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Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
Stratfor aims to take down site about hack
Intelligence firm wants to take down site that discusses 2011 hacking incident. Stratfor Enterprises, LLC, an intelligence firm that was famously hacked in 2011, is trying to get control of a domain commemorating the attack. The company has filed a c...
February 8, 2013, 1:47 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
Woman arrested after being accussed of taking former employer’s domain names
Woman accused of taking control of domain names she registered on behalf of former employer. A Steamboat Springs woman has been arrested for theft after allegedly taking control of her former employer’s domain names. The news was first reported...
February 7, 2013, 4:08 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
Forget “The Kiss”: Super Bowl commercial was the real winner drove more business activity than Bar Rafaeli’s kiss. Go Daddy ran two commercials during the Super Bowl on Sunday. The one that’s getting the most media attention is Perfect Match — aka “The Kiss”, in whi...
February 7, 2013, 1:46 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
Moniker Snapnames Auction hauls in $564k
Two letter domains headline domain name auction in Los Angeles. The Moniker Snapnames auction during Webfest Global yesterday sold $564,365 worth of domains. The high sales total was aided by two two-letter domain names: at $240,000 and
February 7, 2013, 12:27 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
Dick’s Sporting Goods buys three domain names for $395,000
Retailer purchases sports-related domain names. Sporting goods giant Dick’s Sporting Goods has purchased three sports related domain names for $395,000. Garry Chernoff sold,, and to the company in a pack...
February 7, 2013, 10:48 am
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
Kim Kardashian talks entrepreneurship and social media
Kim Kardashian talks about her early entrepreneurial ventures and how she leverages social media. CEO Debra Domeyer had a fireside chat with Kim Kardashian at Webfest today in Santa Monica. Kardashian related her stories about early entre...
February 6, 2013, 2:46 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
Domainers raise $40,000 for clean water
Domainers raise $40,000 for The Water School. The domain name industry raised about $40,000 for The Water School at Water Night last night. The event, held to coincide with Webfest Global in Santa Monica, attracted about 250 domain name industry prof...
February 6, 2013, 2:23 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
Tumblr files 9 cybersquatting complaints
Blogging platform cracks down on cybersquatters. Blogging service Tumblr has filed 9 separate cybersquatting complaints in the last two weeks. The complaints, filed under the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy with World Intellectual Prope...
February 6, 2013, 1:01 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire CEO kicks of Webfest conference in Los Angeles
Webfest attendees will hear a lot about mobile this week. The last time she took stage at a Webfest conference, it wasn’t even called Webfest. One year after her debut domain conference talk, Debra Domeyer is now CEO instead of co-CEO of Overse...
February 5, 2013, 2:09 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
DomainSponsor releases new iPhone and Android Apps
Updated app includes notifications of domains for sale. DomainSponsor today announced the release of its updated apps on both Apple and Android. The app has a number of features, as explained by VP & GM Internet Monetization Dwayne Wa...
February 5, 2013, 1:59 pm
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