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Domain Shane
Domain Shane
Reason Number 17 Why A Business Can Easily Justify Spending $20,000 on a Domain
I was talking with another local business owner about the new sign he recently installed at the front of his business.  He was astonished how much the sign cost him.  Over $20,000 for a modestly sized but electronic marquee.  We both a...
November 8, 2011, 3:49 pm
Elliot's Blog
Elliot's Blog
Hire a gTLD Consultant
There seems to be a considerable amount of uncertainty for many brands as it relates to gTLD domain names. The application process may be cumbersome, the marketing aspect is confusing, and the technical aspect would be complicated for non-tech people...
November 8, 2011, 2:18 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
Registry Behind .Pro Says It Used .Law, .Med Back in 2004
RegistryPro wants to trademark .med and .law domain names. There’s something sneaky going on with RegistryPro, the registry for the .pro top level domain name. First, the company filed trademark applications for the second level domains
November 8, 2011, 1:28 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
Demand Media Demands Focus on Its Registrar Business
Stock investors need to pay less attention to Demand Media’s content business and more to its domain business. If you ask most stock watchers, they’ll tell you Demand Media is a content company. The company, they’ll say, relies on d...
November 8, 2011, 1:10 pm
The Domains
The Domains
BankSimple Acquires & Changes Its Name to has been getting some nice press recently as an alternative to the “big banks”. You can read about them here, and here, and here. Today in their blog  Bank Simple announced they were changing their domain name to simpl...
November 8, 2011, 1:10 pm
Elliot's Blog
Elliot's Blog
Poll: Hand Registrations
I don’t hand register very many domain names anymore. My most recent hand registrations are,,, and Those are my hand registered domain names since Oct...
November 8, 2011, 10:24 am
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
Why I Like The DomainSherpa Interviews
by Chris Woodward Whenever I get some spare time I like to jump over to DomainSherpa to see if I can find a recent interview that interests me. Michael Cyger conducts a new interview with a successful domainer every 2 or 3 weeks and does a great job....
November 8, 2011, 10:12 am
Elliot's Blog
Elliot's Blog
Big Day for .XXX: Landrush Begins
Today is a big day for the ICM Registry and its .XXX extension. The 18 day landrush period for .XXX domain names begins today (November 8, 2011). Eligible people and companies can visit their favorite domain registrar and apply for their preferred .X...
November 8, 2011, 9:24 am
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
P&G and HP Say They Won’t Register Their Own TLDs
…but these companies have a good reason not to. Bloomberg BusinessWeek just published an article that says representatives from P&G and HP have confirmed the companies don’t plan to apply for new top level domain names. A couple obse...
November 8, 2011, 7:33 am
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
Tuesday’s Big List of Domains At Auction or Dropping 11/7/11
An interesting article at Bloomberg caught my attention yesterday.  It looks like most major corporations aren’t going to apply for new .brand tlds.   I think it’s safe to say that almost all of the new applicants are going...
November 8, 2011, 2:23 am
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