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The Domains
The Domains
Sedo weekly sales led by a pair of LLL.coms
Sedo reported their weekly sales and was the top sale at $86,500. sold for $50,000 to come in second place. There was not one non – com gtld sale for the first time that I can remember. was the top cctld sale at 7,100 E...
June 20, 2017, 8:17 pm
The Domains
The Domains
“There’s sort of a market, but it’s not very efficient or liquid.”
Bloomberg economics editor Peter Coy, wrote a piece on domain names and some of the commentary was interesting. Joseph Cohen, founder of Universe a startup that makes an app for building mobile websites, said “It’s not a true market,&rdqu...
June 20, 2017, 5:19 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
Analyzing Donuts’ deal to acquire Rightside
Rightside had to sell and Donuts is the logical buyer. Last week, Donuts agreed to acquire Rightside (NASDAQ: NAME) for $213 million. As luck would have it, I was vacationing in Costa Rica when the deal was announced. I gave some initial thoughts rig...
June 20, 2017, 3:22 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
Another day, two more RDNH domain cases
Two more cybersquatting cases were filed in abuse of the UDRP. It probably seems like I’ve been writing a lot of posts about reverse domain name hijacking lately. Hey, I don’t control the flow of unscrupulous companies filing bogus RDNH c...
June 20, 2017, 1:04 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
Domain names in Costa Rica
.Com is the favorite in Costa Rica. I just returned from a weeklong vacation in Costa Rica. I hadn’t been to Costa Rica in 15 years, and my visit reminded me why people like to vacation there, but also the niceties of living in the United State...
June 19, 2017, 5:16 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
Dynadot CEO Todd Han – DNW Podcast #141
How a bootstrapped domain name registrar attracted a loyal following. What’s it like bootstrapping a domain name registrar for 15 years? Find out today as we talk with Todd Han, CEO of Dynadot. The mid-sized registrar has had to grow organicall...
June 19, 2017, 3:30 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
Oil company Tupras is a reverse domain name hijacker
Company went after domain name, which is owned by a fan of hex-based wargames. Do you watch TV or listen to the radio? If so, have you heard commercials for Tupras or Hexmon? My guess is you haven’t, especially if you live outside of...
June 19, 2017, 1:15 pm
DomainSherpa Review – June 19:,,,…
What do successful domain name investors think when they value domain names?In this show:• We learn what the Sherpas bought or sold recently:,,,• An investor's portfolio is appraised: PureFoo...
June 19, 2017, 7:01 am
The Domains
The Domains
Emoji domain name registration tips and tricks
Kickstarter Commerce put together a couple videos recently that deal with emojis. For those interested in emoji domains these videos are worth watching. Free Tool: Bulk Emoji Domain Suggestion and Registration The post Emoji domain name registration ...
June 18, 2017, 6:47 pm
The Domains
The Domains
Father’s Day $500 Blowout
As tomorrow is Father’s Day I decided to put up a $500 blowout post, sell a name, buy Dad a gift. This post should be used to sell a name where you are making some money with no commission, and leave a little for the next buyer. So this post is...
June 17, 2017, 4:30 pm
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