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We aggregate the most popular sources of information and present them in chronological order.
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Domain Shane
DSAD.com: Domain Shane’s Daily List of Domains at Auction for Friday, October 7th
Congrats to Flippa and Devoir Funches for successfully selling the name 0123.com for $252,500. A few details they were able to share was the buyer was Japanese and the negotiation took 5 months. Devon and Flippa will have a video di...
DSAD.com: Domain Shane’s Daily List of Domains at Auction for Friday, October 7th
Congrats to Flippa and Devoir Funches for successfully selling the name 0123.com for $252,500. A few details they were able to share was the buyer was Japanese and the negotiation took 5 months. Devon and Flippa will have a video di...
October 7, 2016, 10:15 am
Domain Shane
A comprehensive look at the final auction prices, closeouts and more from the auction list posted on October 5, 2016. Apologies if you have tried to submit names for the Namejet auction in the past couple of days. The bug has been correct...
A comprehensive look at the final auction prices, closeouts and more from the auction list posted on October 5, 2016. Apologies if you have tried to submit names for the Namejet auction in the past couple of days. The bug has been correct...
October 6, 2016, 5:16 pm
Domain Name Wire
Fashion Company Brave Soul is a Reverse Domain Name Hijacker
Company filed cybersquatting complaint in abuse of the UDRP. A fashion clothing company has been found to have engaged in reverse domain name hijacking over the domain name BraveSoul.com. Complainant Whispering Smith Limited is affiliated with the fa...
Fashion Company Brave Soul is a Reverse Domain Name Hijacker
Company filed cybersquatting complaint in abuse of the UDRP. A fashion clothing company has been found to have engaged in reverse domain name hijacking over the domain name BraveSoul.com. Complainant Whispering Smith Limited is affiliated with the fa...
October 6, 2016, 4:56 pm
The Domains
Tech Crunch Publishes a Great Story On The Domain Industry
TechCrunch.com published a great story about the money floating around in the domain industry entitled “”The silent evolution of domain names””. People in the domain space are mentioned include Rob Grant as the father of Lana ...
Tech Crunch Publishes a Great Story On The Domain Industry
TechCrunch.com published a great story about the money floating around in the domain industry entitled “”The silent evolution of domain names””. People in the domain space are mentioned include Rob Grant as the father of Lana ...
October 6, 2016, 1:20 pm
Domain Name Wire
Efty releases “UDRP-safe” landing pages
New options make it harder for potential complainants to show you were trying to sell a domain name. Domain name selling platform Efty has launched new landing page designs that the company says will help prevent UDRP and INDRP (India) losses. While ...
Efty releases “UDRP-safe” landing pages
New options make it harder for potential complainants to show you were trying to sell a domain name. Domain name selling platform Efty has launched new landing page designs that the company says will help prevent UDRP and INDRP (India) losses. While ...
October 6, 2016, 11:59 am
Domain Shane
DSAD.com: Domain Shane’s Daily List of Domains at Auction for Thursday, October 6th
Many of the newer investors may not know Alan Dunn. He’s been in the industry a long time and to many he’s known as the king of buildouts. He is known for building out incredible and well thought out websites for big k...
DSAD.com: Domain Shane’s Daily List of Domains at Auction for Thursday, October 6th
Many of the newer investors may not know Alan Dunn. He’s been in the industry a long time and to many he’s known as the king of buildouts. He is known for building out incredible and well thought out websites for big k...
October 6, 2016, 10:14 am
The Domains
Breitbart/Gravis Poll: 71% Of US Registered Voters Oppose Obama’s surrender of Control Over ICANN
In a poll just out tonight by Breitbart/Gravis 71% of US registered voters are opposed to the transition in which the US gave up oversight over ICANN. For those in the ICANN community the poll question was less than entirely accurate. “The Unit...
Breitbart/Gravis Poll: 71% Of US Registered Voters Oppose Obama’s surrender of Control Over ICANN
In a poll just out tonight by Breitbart/Gravis 71% of US registered voters are opposed to the transition in which the US gave up oversight over ICANN. For those in the ICANN community the poll question was less than entirely accurate. “The Unit...
October 6, 2016, 4:06 am
The Domains
A guide to boosting organic click through rates
Larry Kim from WordStream and Brian Dean from Backlinko.com produced one hell of an infographic for those interested in boosting organic traffic. The infographic was published on SearchEngineLand.com and Larry goes through some examples in depth so c...
A guide to boosting organic click through rates
Larry Kim from WordStream and Brian Dean from Backlinko.com produced one hell of an infographic for those interested in boosting organic traffic. The infographic was published on SearchEngineLand.com and Larry goes through some examples in depth so c...
October 5, 2016, 10:45 pm
Domain Shane
Recent Domain Sales Under $5k That Have Been Developed (pics): Flipdeck.com, StyleWorx.com, More
The screenshots below are examples of buyers of domains from this year that have either developed their sites, or purchased an upgrade domain and have redirected their acquisition to an existing website. For today’s post, we’re looking on...
Recent Domain Sales Under $5k That Have Been Developed (pics): Flipdeck.com, StyleWorx.com, More
The screenshots below are examples of buyers of domains from this year that have either developed their sites, or purchased an upgrade domain and have redirected their acquisition to an existing website. For today’s post, we’re looking on...
October 5, 2016, 9:55 pm
Domain Shane
A comprehensive look at the final auction prices, closeouts and more from the auction list posted on October 4, 2016. If there is an asterisk (*) next to a price, it means that the name was at auction from a private seller (rather than an ...
A comprehensive look at the final auction prices, closeouts and more from the auction list posted on October 4, 2016. If there is an asterisk (*) next to a price, it means that the name was at auction from a private seller (rather than an ...
October 5, 2016, 5:36 pm