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We aggregate the most popular sources of information and present them in chronological order.
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Domain Name Wire
100 podcasts later…
Help me make the DNW Podcast even better. 100 weeks ago I published the first Domain Name Wire Podcast with Ray King as my guinea pig. This week I published the 100th weekly edition of the Domain Name Wire Podcast. I’ve learned a lot about podc...
100 podcasts later…
Help me make the DNW Podcast even better. 100 weeks ago I published the first Domain Name Wire Podcast with Ray King as my guinea pig. This week I published the 100th weekly edition of the Domain Name Wire Podcast. I’ve learned a lot about podc...
September 9, 2016, 2:19 pm
The Domains
Drop Catchers Beware: Domain RaiseMe.com Lost in UDRP Despite Lack of Registered Trademark
Raise Labs, Inc (“Complainant”), just won control of the domain name RaisemMe.com in a UDRP/ The US-based company did not have an US federally registered trademark. The one member panel of The Honourable Neil Anthony Brown QC found the co...
Drop Catchers Beware: Domain RaiseMe.com Lost in UDRP Despite Lack of Registered Trademark
Raise Labs, Inc (“Complainant”), just won control of the domain name RaisemMe.com in a UDRP/ The US-based company did not have an US federally registered trademark. The one member panel of The Honourable Neil Anthony Brown QC found the co...
September 9, 2016, 2:16 pm
The Domains
Las Vegas NHL Owner playing a domain name game of misdirection
Las Vegas is getting an NHL (National Hockey League) team, the approval came a few months back but owner Bill Foley still can’t come up with a name. Foley went to West Point and wanted to have something affiliated with Knights, the Army mascot ...
Las Vegas NHL Owner playing a domain name game of misdirection
Las Vegas is getting an NHL (National Hockey League) team, the approval came a few months back but owner Bill Foley still can’t come up with a name. Foley went to West Point and wanted to have something affiliated with Knights, the Army mascot ...
September 9, 2016, 11:59 am
Sully's Blog
Lost Episode: Sextoy Dave is Back!
Toward the end of 2013, I had conducted a several video interviews that were lost when my pc crashed. I was never able to get the computer running again, but I recently found a way to recover some of the data from that computer. This is t...
Lost Episode: Sextoy Dave is Back!
Toward the end of 2013, I had conducted a several video interviews that were lost when my pc crashed. I was never able to get the computer running again, but I recently found a way to recover some of the data from that computer. This is t...
September 9, 2016, 11:39 am
Domain Shane
DSAD.com: Domain Shane’s Daily List of Domains at Auction for Friday, September 9th
I’m going to officially declare dot co as peaked. It goes down in value from here. I tried to convince myself that it worked. I even tried with short and numeric but it just doesn’t make any sense to me. I can&rsq...
DSAD.com: Domain Shane’s Daily List of Domains at Auction for Friday, September 9th
I’m going to officially declare dot co as peaked. It goes down in value from here. I tried to convince myself that it worked. I even tried with short and numeric but it just doesn’t make any sense to me. I can&rsq...
September 9, 2016, 10:10 am
Domain Shane
RapidVend.com Because nobody likes to wait when they’re hungry RadioTrax.com It becomes cool because it’s spelled with an X. No bidders CreditSolution.com I would like the plural better but plenty of bidders are good with this form Secret...
RapidVend.com Because nobody likes to wait when they’re hungry RadioTrax.com It becomes cool because it’s spelled with an X. No bidders CreditSolution.com I would like the plural better but plenty of bidders are good with this form Secret...
September 8, 2016, 9:12 pm
Domain Name Wire
GoDaddy files patent app for Flare and social network
Does GoDaddy have bigger ambitions for Flare-like functionality? GoDaddy has filed a patent application covering various aspects of its Flare app, and the application suggests more features might be planned for the future. “System and Method fo...
GoDaddy files patent app for Flare and social network
Does GoDaddy have bigger ambitions for Flare-like functionality? GoDaddy has filed a patent application covering various aspects of its Flare app, and the application suggests more features might be planned for the future. “System and Method fo...
September 8, 2016, 6:45 pm
Domain Name Wire
Video: Ted Cruz spreads internet FUD all over the Senate floor
Cruz gives speech urging congress to nix upcoming IANA functions transition. Senator Ted Cruz just gave a speech in the Senate proposing adding an appropriations rider to the upcoming continuing resolution in an effort to halt the IANA transition. He...
Video: Ted Cruz spreads internet FUD all over the Senate floor
Cruz gives speech urging congress to nix upcoming IANA functions transition. Senator Ted Cruz just gave a speech in the Senate proposing adding an appropriations rider to the upcoming continuing resolution in an effort to halt the IANA transition. He...
September 8, 2016, 5:28 pm
Domain Name Wire
IANA transition from U.S. government could ride on a rider
Senator suggests appropriations ride as a way to stop transition. Will the transition of the U.S. government’s oversight of IANA internet functions end this month as planned? Or will it be delayed? It could ride on a rider. Senator Ted Cruz has...
IANA transition from U.S. government could ride on a rider
Senator suggests appropriations ride as a way to stop transition. Will the transition of the U.S. government’s oversight of IANA internet functions end this month as planned? Or will it be delayed? It could ride on a rider. Senator Ted Cruz has...
September 8, 2016, 2:22 pm
Domain Name Wire
Gleissner gets a UDRP win…as the respondent
Finding himself on the defense will help respondents in his own UDRPs. Michael Gleissner’s companies’ failed attempts to acquire domain names through UDRP are well-documented. Yet he recently found himself on the opposite side of the tabl...
Gleissner gets a UDRP win…as the respondent
Finding himself on the defense will help respondents in his own UDRPs. Michael Gleissner’s companies’ failed attempts to acquire domain names through UDRP are well-documented. Yet he recently found himself on the opposite side of the tabl...
September 8, 2016, 1:48 pm