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Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
Dreamlines GmbH is a reverse domain name hijacker
Company files cybersquatting complaint on domain registered well before it existed. Cruise booking company Dreamlines GmbH, which has raised over $37 million in investments, has been found to have attempted reverse domain name hijacking for the domai...
March 18, 2016, 1:49 pm
The Domains
The Domains
WIPO UDRP Filings up 4.6% in 2015
According to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) “cybersquatting claims” by just 4.6% last year In 2015, 2,754 Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) claims were filed, a 4.6% increase on the number in 2014. ...
March 18, 2016, 1:21 pm
Domain Shane
Domain Shane Domain Shane’s Daily List of Domains at Auction for Friday, March 18th
There are just a ton of non CHiP LLLL.coms coming across the auctions lately.  And they aren’t going down.  I’m really not trying to spin the market.  It is what it is.  Numerics are down, CHiPs are down a li...
March 18, 2016, 10:03 am
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
AUCTION RECAP, 16th and 17th of March 2016
The Daily recap of Shane’s Auction Picks, the 16th and 17th of March 2016 Auction Quick Recap Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! I was looking at the post Travis made the other day about all of that wang being traded.  I don’t even kno...
March 18, 2016, 4:42 am
The Domains
The Domains
Update on
A couple days ago we wrote about being stolen, Namepros member The Legendary JP appears to have solved the case. The domain was stolen but it was stolen from the original owner. Ok did a little digging…. I actually tired to buy this...
March 17, 2016, 10:23 pm
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
Recent Domain Sales That Have Been Developed (pics):,,, More
The screenshots below are examples of buyers of domains from the last few months that have either developed their sites, or purchased an upgrade domain and have redirected their acquisition to an existing website. sold for $10,000 at Sedo, a...
March 17, 2016, 10:01 pm
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
Some of these categories are starting to show a little life – or at least maybe finding a floor – or at least not dropping like a stone. table, th, td { border: 1px solid #C2BFBE; padding: 2px; } th { ...
March 17, 2016, 5:13 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
150 people pack NYC meetup featuring .NYC
Art Malkov of recently helped organize an event in New York. He filed this report. along with NeedGrowth, a New York City-based digital marketing agency, hosted the NYC Changing Digital Landscape at the Interface event space on ...
March 17, 2016, 4:31 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
Expired Domain Report: From to
Joseph Peterson recaps the past week in expired domain name sales. Tim Schoon is generally credited with coining the term “CHIP”, which stands for “Chinese premium” and refers to the vowel-less, “V”-less, acronym-l...
March 17, 2016, 3:35 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
Battle over vineyards named Wilson goes to court
Winery files federal lawsuit after losing UDRP. A California company has filed a federal trademark and cybersquatting lawsuit (pdf) after first failing to obtain the domain name through a UDRP. Wilson Vineyards, Inc filed a UDRP ag...
March 17, 2016, 1:52 pm
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