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Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
DNAcademy is a great primer for new domain name investors
Online course will help new domain name investors get up-to-speed in a hurry. I’m always a bit wary when someone releases a course about investing in domain names. There are a handful of people selling domain names as a get rich scheme, and thi...
February 19, 2016, 2:21 pm
Domain Shane
Domain Shane Domain Shane’s Daily List of Domains at Auction for Friday, Feb 19th
There are as many 5N.coms as I’ve ever seen on a single day. I apologize to Josh in advance because this list is going to take a week to recap its so big.  If you want to spend some money on numerics today is your day.  Yesterday was...
February 19, 2016, 9:55 am
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
Auction Recap, 18th of February 2016
The Daily recap of Shane’s Auction Picks, the 18th of February The Abridged version. All business and just the facts. Sorta, the prices are accurate to the best of my ability, the rest is made up. Auction Quick Recap  Usu...
February 19, 2016, 9:22 am
The Domains
The Domains
Market Recap 2/18/16 Endurance Intl up close to 10% – Go Daddy down 3.7%
Market Recap 2/18/16 Endurance Intl (EIGI) went on a ride today, trading as low as $8 and then closing at $10.28, up close to 10%. The company said they were buying Constant Contact earlier in the week and reported earnings today. GoDaddy (GDDY) was ...
February 18, 2016, 9:40 pm
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
Poor customer service is one of the most irritating things to have to deal with.  Bad customer service reps can be such a drain on a company.  They are often times low paid and don’t really care much about the success or failure of th...
February 18, 2016, 6:39 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
BrandShield takes a different strategy in a world of many TLDs
How should brands manage infringement in a world of many top level domain names? Brandshield suggests taking a common sense approach. Brands face new challenges in a world of many new top level domain name options. Brand protection company BrandShiel...
February 18, 2016, 5:24 pm
The Domains
The Domains
Radix set to Launch .Store in April
Radix put out a press release today that they will be launching .Store in April. Dot store will start Sunrise on 6th April. The TLD will follow the same rollout as Radix’s last 3 launches. Sunrise will be followed by an Early Access Phase &...
February 18, 2016, 4:36 pm
The Domains
The Domains
New gTLD Add Over 1 Million Domain Registrations in Just Last 5 Days
According to, the number of new gTLD’s domain registrations grew by 1.1 million domains, in just the last 5 days. In terms of percentage of increase, the 1.1 million increase in new gTLD domain names, is close to a 9% increase in ...
February 18, 2016, 2:31 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
Tesla finally acquires domain name now forwards to Tesla Motors (NASDAQ:TSLA) has finally acquired the domain name. It is now forwarding to The domain name was registered in 1992, well before the company was formed. The e...
February 18, 2016, 2:24 pm
The Domains
The Domains
In Less Than 2 Years, .XYZ Passes 14 Year Old .BIZ to Become 4th Largest Domain Extension
The new gTLD domain name extension, .XYZ is which won’t be two years old until, June of this year, just surpassed the  domain extension .Biz which has been around since 2001 in the number of domain registrations. According to RegistrarStat...
February 18, 2016, 1:47 pm
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