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We aggregate the most popular sources of information and present them in chronological order.
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Domain Name Wire
Twitter just went “all in” with Periscope domain names
Company registers 75 domain names related to Periscope. Twitter’s Periscope live-streaming app is proving to be a hit. Someone at the company decided it was time to go all in on brand protection for the app. On Friday, Twitter registered 75 dom...
Twitter just went “all in” with Periscope domain names
Company registers 75 domain names related to Periscope. Twitter’s Periscope live-streaming app is proving to be a hit. Someone at the company decided it was time to go all in on brand protection for the app. On Friday, Twitter registered 75 dom...
December 7, 2015, 2:45 pm
Domain Shane
DSAD.com: Shane’s Big List of Domain Auctions for Monday the 7th
There’s a new DomainSherpa up today. I think its one of the better shows. Our actual review part is a little short (you’ll see why) but there is some good discussion about the current market. I think you’ll enjoy i...
DSAD.com: Shane’s Big List of Domain Auctions for Monday the 7th
There’s a new DomainSherpa up today. I think its one of the better shows. Our actual review part is a little short (you’ll see why) but there is some good discussion about the current market. I think you’ll enjoy i...
December 7, 2015, 9:41 am
DomainSherpa Review – Dec 7: Hora.com, 5L.com Portfolio, Robe.com, Braces.net…
What do successful domain name investors think when they value domain names?In this show:• We learn what the Sherpas bought or sold recently: Hora.com, KailuaKona.com, 5L.com Portfolio• An investor's portfolio is appraised: "Strkl...
DomainSherpa Review – Dec 7: Hora.com, 5L.com Portfolio, Robe.com, Braces.net…
What do successful domain name investors think when they value domain names?In this show:• We learn what the Sherpas bought or sold recently: Hora.com, KailuaKona.com, 5L.com Portfolio• An investor's portfolio is appraised: "Strkl...
December 7, 2015, 8:05 am
Domain Name Wire
.XYZ asks Verisign to pay $1.6 million in fees from lawsuit
The .XYZ domain name registry has asked a court (pdf) to force Verisign to pay $1.6 million in fees and expenses related to the lawsuit Verisign filed against it. Verisign, the $10 billion (market cap) company that runs .com, sued XYZ for false adver...
.XYZ asks Verisign to pay $1.6 million in fees from lawsuit
The .XYZ domain name registry has asked a court (pdf) to force Verisign to pay $1.6 million in fees and expenses related to the lawsuit Verisign filed against it. Verisign, the $10 billion (market cap) company that runs .com, sued XYZ for false adver...
December 7, 2015, 1:35 am
Domain Shane
Auction Recap 6th of December, Evening Edition
Results from Shane’s Auction Picks December 06, 2015 Auction Quick Overview Yesterday’s 4L Chip sales only 2 reported, mdjm.com 2,358 USD 2015-12-05, wjkl.com 2,131 USD 2015-12-05 Long Day, Here’s what happen...
Auction Recap 6th of December, Evening Edition
Results from Shane’s Auction Picks December 06, 2015 Auction Quick Overview Yesterday’s 4L Chip sales only 2 reported, mdjm.com 2,358 USD 2015-12-05, wjkl.com 2,131 USD 2015-12-05 Long Day, Here’s what happen...
December 7, 2015, 1:18 am
Domain Shane
Domain Flips (KRRR.com, OQL.com, eJet.com, Tonic.com) and Flops (NursingClothes.com)
Below is another look at a few recent domain flips and flops, with data courtesy of NameBio. Flips KRRR.com sold for 4,888 USD recently at Sedo, vs 201 USD on 2007-09-01 privately. The thinking back in 2007 = what the heck could a triple repeating l...
Domain Flips (KRRR.com, OQL.com, eJet.com, Tonic.com) and Flops (NursingClothes.com)
Below is another look at a few recent domain flips and flops, with data courtesy of NameBio. Flips KRRR.com sold for 4,888 USD recently at Sedo, vs 201 USD on 2007-09-01 privately. The thinking back in 2007 = what the heck could a triple repeating l...
December 6, 2015, 9:53 pm
The Domains
Report: Domain 688.com Sold For $1.5 Million
According to a report appearing in ename.cn, the domain name 688.com just sold for about $1.5 Million dollars. According to the report the sales price was 9,580,000 RMB which according to today’s exchange rate is $1,496,290.52. The domain...
Report: Domain 688.com Sold For $1.5 Million
According to a report appearing in ename.cn, the domain name 688.com just sold for about $1.5 Million dollars. According to the report the sales price was 9,580,000 RMB which according to today’s exchange rate is $1,496,290.52. The domain...
December 6, 2015, 8:41 pm
Domain Shane
DSAD.com: Shane’s Big List of Domain Auctions for Sunday the 5th
. If you like 5 number dot coms then today is one of the best days to acquire some nice names as you’ve had in the last 3 months. Just going to need to bring your wallet. Also, the nice thing about having an outbound click tracker i...
DSAD.com: Shane’s Big List of Domain Auctions for Sunday the 5th
. If you like 5 number dot coms then today is one of the best days to acquire some nice names as you’ve had in the last 3 months. Just going to need to bring your wallet. Also, the nice thing about having an outbound click tracker i...
December 6, 2015, 10:05 am
Domain Shane
Update on Top 10 Sales from a Year Ago: QNB.com, QXN.com, eyoo.com, More
Listed below are updates to the top 10 domain sales from a year ago this week, as ranked by DN Journal. 1. QNB.com sold for $1,000,000 Who would’ve thunk that an LLL.com with a Q would have sold for a cool million. You’ve gotta know who ...
Update on Top 10 Sales from a Year Ago: QNB.com, QXN.com, eyoo.com, More
Listed below are updates to the top 10 domain sales from a year ago this week, as ranked by DN Journal. 1. QNB.com sold for $1,000,000 Who would’ve thunk that an LLL.com with a Q would have sold for a cool million. You’ve gotta know who ...
December 5, 2015, 10:35 pm
The Domains
Census.com, In Last Namescon Auction Sells To Mark Monitor Client
The domain name Census.com which was in the RightoftheDot.com domain name auction at Namescon in January 2015, just sold to a Mark Monitor client as the whois information changed yesterday. The domain name Census.com was one of my favorite picks from...
Census.com, In Last Namescon Auction Sells To Mark Monitor Client
The domain name Census.com which was in the RightoftheDot.com domain name auction at Namescon in January 2015, just sold to a Mark Monitor client as the whois information changed yesterday. The domain name Census.com was one of my favorite picks from...
December 5, 2015, 3:13 pm