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The Domains
The Domains
Here’s a Mainstream Publication That Gets The Value Of Domains:,,,,;, covered what they considered to be very successful companies located in DC that own great domains in a post entitled  “The golden domain names of D.C. Tech” I quite an opposite approach to the Forbes article which po...
November 29, 2013, 2:02 pm
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
DomainShane’s Weekly Book of Ten
Starting today and every Friday I am going to post a list of 10 domains that are for sale.  Normally I only put domains that are up at auction, but this list will contain both names at auction, domains with websites,  or just straight up fo...
November 29, 2013, 10:50 am
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
SHANE’S BIG LIST: Black Friday’s Domains at Auction or Dropping on November 29th, 2013
There are those that shop on Black Friday and there are those that have to work on Black Friday.  I am one of the latter.  But I have always been one of those people that prefers to make money more than I like to spend it.  Here are to...
November 29, 2013, 10:45 am
The Domains
The Domains
Troubling: UDRP Panel Hands Over Generic Domain
Rain Forest , SL of  Madrid, Spain just won the UDRP lottery and got the generic domain name The decision was handed down in Spanish and we used Google translate into English The panelist Albert Agustinoy Guilayn has some pretty di...
November 28, 2013, 4:12 pm
The Domains
The Domains
UDRP Panel Refuses To Let BuyDomains Give Up Domain & Issues Ruling Against It on
A one member UDRP panel refused to allow to unilateral consent to transfer the Domain Name to the Complainant, Shiseido Company of Tokyo, Japan, and went ahead and issued its opinion ordering the transfer of the domain. Bu...
November 28, 2013, 3:15 pm
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
SHANE’S BIG LIST: TurkeyDay’s Domains at Auction or Dropping on November 28th, 2013
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the U.S.  Happy Thursday to everyone else.  We switched it up this year and instead of going to have dinner with family I am getting together with a bunch of friends and their families.  My wife is hap...
November 28, 2013, 10:50 am
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
Dear Mr. Generic TLDs: Let’s Worry About the Basics Before We Push the Auctions and the Sunrise
Sunrise this, auction that.  Over the next few months, potential domain buyers will be inundated with upcoming auctions and information about registering names with the new generic tlds.  The people and companies behind the new tlds are som...
November 27, 2013, 11:30 pm
The Domains
The Domains
Richard P. Glass, Jr. Guilty of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking On Registered in 1999
Richard P. Glass, Jr., represented by Charles F. Meroni, Jr. of Meroni & Meroni, P.C., Illinois, USA has just been found guilty of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking (RDNH) on the domain name The domain name was registered on September 2...
November 27, 2013, 11:25 pm
The Domains
The Domains
Maker of GRAND THEFT AUTO Loses UDRP On Panel Finds It Stands For “Great Toronto Area”
Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. the maker of Grand Theft Auto just lost a UDRP on the domain, (the “Registrar”). The disputed domain name was registered on March 19, 2010. The Respondent also owns some domain names since 2009, ...
November 27, 2013, 6:29 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
Grand Theft Domain Name: Take-Two Interactive loses domain name dispute
Grand Theft Auto publisher fails in case to get domain name. Take-Two Interactive, the creator of the wildly successful Grand Theft Auto video game series, has lost a dispute it filed against the domain name Take-Two has a trademark fo...
November 27, 2013, 6:19 pm
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