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Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
What domain names Panasonic and 20 other end users recently bought
Panasonic spends $37,000 on domain name for its ToughPad tablets. GoDaddy and Afternic sold $1.65 million worth of domain names the week before last, including the $37,000 sale of to Panasonic. Before jumping into the end user sales list...
November 25, 2013, 2:08 pm
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
SHANE’S BIG LIST: Monday’s Domains at Auction or Dropping on November 25th, 2013
You ever worked with a company that your truly enjoyed working with because of the people but then the people go out and form their own company?  I always find it tough because I wish the new company well but don’t want to upset the origin...
November 25, 2013, 10:38 am
CentralNic’s Path to Growth in the New Gold Rush – With Ben Crawford
In this interview we hear about the history, current operations and future aspirations of a leading registry service provider: CentralNic.Learn how the team at CentralNic can help run the domain name system of a new top-level domain, how they can ass...
November 25, 2013, 9:00 am
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
Cocaine Congressmen Trey Radel: Ended with Coke Charges and Started with Adult Domain Names
You could have seen it coming a mile away.  Trey Radel, a US Republican Rep out of Florida, was busted this week on cocaine charges only 10 months after taking office.  Before becoming known as the first sitting member of Congress to be bus...
November 24, 2013, 8:08 pm
The Domains
The Domains
Bought in 2007, To Go Public In 2014 Inc., is planning to go public, in 2014 according to According to the store, is an online service for hiring nannies and other at-home caregivers, and hired Morgan Stanley to lead the IPO, which is expected to raise...
November 24, 2013, 4:55 pm
The Domains
The Domains
Godaddy’s Founder Bob Parsons reemerges As The Harley King
Bob Parsons, best known as the founder of, has reemerged as as the King of Harley Davidson dealerships, announcing the acquisition of Southern Thunder Harley-Davidson in Southaven, Mississippi by his company YAM Worldwide. Southern Thunde...
November 24, 2013, 1:03 pm
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
SHANE’S BIG LIST: Sunday’s Domains at Auction or Dropping on November 24th, 2013
I was reading a story about a successful young business person and he said he got started by investing his bar mitzvah money.  This is the five millionth time I’ve heard someone say this is the way they got started.  I am not Jew...
November 24, 2013, 10:46 am
The Domains
The Domains
The Only Thing Missed About The Domain Name Industry Is The Billion+ Dollars Coming Into It
After spending a week at the ICANN Meeting with 2,000 + people which are pouring over a Billion dollars into the domain name industry, I read the piece in by Deborah L. Jacobs, who is a self proclaimed “woulda coulda shoulda” k...
November 23, 2013, 1:49 pm
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
SHANE’S BIG LIST: Friday’s Domains at Auction or Dropping on November 23rd, 2013
Couldn’t find a lot of names today.  Usually the auction houses avoid having too many names finish on weekends because of people being busy.  It’s going to get even worse next weekend with Thanksgiving and Black Friday here in t...
November 23, 2013, 10:52 am
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
Not Only Is the Article Written by Deborah L. Jacobs at Forbes Wrong, It Shows How Financially Naive She Is
Today’s article at Forbes was another example of someone looking in, writing from afar, judging an industry on a single event or personal opinion. Deborah Jacobs spent hours “researching” an article for Forbes about domain name...
November 23, 2013, 1:24 am
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