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Domain Shane
Domain Shane
These Are The Great Domain Deals I Get Because I Write A Blog
Writing a blog has it’s perks.  One of them is the emails giving me first shot at some great domains.  Here is a perfect example of the many deals I get on a regular basis.  I’m not sure he would meet just an average domain...
October 2, 2013, 9:12 pm
The Domains
The Domains Announces $312K In Top Domain Sales In September just announced over $312,000 its “top domain sales” for September 2013. led the way selling for $28K and which sold for $19,100 Here are the reportable sales of $2K or more for September:   Doma...
October 2, 2013, 3:17 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
Meet Steve Banfield, Demand Media’s new SVP and GM of Registrar Services
Banfield to lead eNom and Earlier this week Demand Media announced that it hired Steve Banfield to serve as SVP and GM of Registrar Services. Demand Media owns domain name reseller eNom and consumer registrar, both of which Banfiel...
October 2, 2013, 3:13 pm
Elliot's Blog
Elliot's Blog
Weekly Brokerage Listings – 10/2
The new brokered domain listings for the week are listed below. If you have an interest in purchasing one of the domain names below, contact the broker directly. I am not involved in (nor do I benefit from) transactions. You may post one name for sal...
October 2, 2013, 3:12 pm
The Domains
The Domains Sells $1.3 Milion In Domains Led By One Of Our’s For $30K just published its  reportable weekly domain sales for the week of 9/23/13 – 9/29/13. Total domain sales for the week, including confidential sales and sales under $1000, summed to $1,296,502. All sales were led by one of our ...
October 2, 2013, 3:06 pm
The Domains
The Domains
Godaddy Acquires Online Invoicing Company Ronin, Its 5th Acquistion in 15 Months
GoDaddy, today announced the acquisition of Ronin, an online invoicing company marking the Tfifth in 15-months, which includes Outright,, Locu and Afternic. The acquisition, made quietly in April, has been fully integrated into GoDaddy Online ...
October 2, 2013, 2:16 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
What domain names BMW and 19 others bought
BMW was among the end user buyers at Sedo recently. Some times when you schedule a post on WordPress it somehow doesn’t publish, giving an error “misses schedule”. That happened to one of my end user sales posts scheduled for Septem...
October 2, 2013, 1:05 pm
The Domains
The Domains
Congnac Maker REMY MARTIN Loses UDRP On Domain Holder Is Saved By Social Networks
E. REMY MARTIN & C° of Cognac, France, just lost a UDRP on the domain name to a “Remy Martin” of Palm Desert, California who appears to have represented himself. The one member panel found that the domain holder ...
October 2, 2013, 12:33 pm
The Domains
The Domains Makes Over $44 Million In Additional Seed Funding
According to VentureBeat, Accelerator program and investment group 500 Startups which proudly uses the domain name, just announced $44.1 million in new seed fund today, the second the group has raised since launching.   The second fund is...
October 2, 2013, 12:21 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
GoDaddy acquires invoicing company Ronin
Domain name registrar has made five acquisitions in fifteen months. GoDaddy announced another acquisition today, although the acquisition isn’t actually new. In April the company quietly acquired invoicing company Ronin and has integrated the t...
October 2, 2013, 11:52 am
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