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We aggregate the most popular sources of information and present them in chronological order.
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Elliot's Blog
Read Domain Industry Blogs
One of the best ways to read “unfiltered” domain industry news and to learn about industry developments is to follow the blogs of various companies in the industry. Some companies promote and share their blogs more than others, and that m...
Read Domain Industry Blogs
One of the best ways to read “unfiltered” domain industry news and to learn about industry developments is to follow the blogs of various companies in the industry. Some companies promote and share their blogs more than others, and that m...
August 4, 2013, 11:47 am

The Domains
If Google Wants To UDRP This Domain, They Will Have To Name Bill Gates
The domain name Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooogle.com has a most interesting whois record. The domain which was registered back in 2005 expired in December 2012. The domain name was re-registered fresh on July 9th, 2013 an...
If Google Wants To UDRP This Domain, They Will Have To Name Bill Gates
The domain name Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooogle.com has a most interesting whois record. The domain which was registered back in 2005 expired in December 2012. The domain name was re-registered fresh on July 9th, 2013 an...
August 4, 2013, 9:42 am

The Domains
UDRP Panel Awards Bodvbuildinq.com To BodyBuilding.com Finding Common Law TM Right
A one member UDRP panel awarded Bodybuilding.com, LLC the domain name bodvbuildinq.com. The interesting part of the case is that the panel found that Bodybuilding.com by virtue of the domain registration itself combined with the use amount of traffi...
UDRP Panel Awards Bodvbuildinq.com To BodyBuilding.com Finding Common Law TM Right
A one member UDRP panel awarded Bodybuilding.com, LLC the domain name bodvbuildinq.com. The interesting part of the case is that the panel found that Bodybuilding.com by virtue of the domain registration itself combined with the use amount of traffi...
August 4, 2013, 9:06 am

The Domains
After Winning A UDRP On GED.net, GED Testing Service LLC Files UDRP On GED.Org
American Council on Education (“ACE”) GED Testing Service LLC (“GEDTS”) which won a UDRP on the domain name GED.net back in February has now filed a UDRP on GED.org The domain name GED.org is parked and pull a page ful...
After Winning A UDRP On GED.net, GED Testing Service LLC Files UDRP On GED.Org
American Council on Education (“ACE”) GED Testing Service LLC (“GEDTS”) which won a UDRP on the domain name GED.net back in February has now filed a UDRP on GED.org The domain name GED.org is parked and pull a page ful...
August 4, 2013, 8:51 am

Domain Shane
SHANE’S BIG LIST: Sunday’s Domains at Auction or Dropping on August 4th, 2013
I’ll be putting a little more time in later this morning but here’s the start of my list. Yes I know the Godaddy links don’t go direct but like always Commission Junction links are all jacked up again. NCFE.com Awesome letters...
SHANE’S BIG LIST: Sunday’s Domains at Auction or Dropping on August 4th, 2013
I’ll be putting a little more time in later this morning but here’s the start of my list. Yes I know the Godaddy links don’t go direct but like always Commission Junction links are all jacked up again. NCFE.com Awesome letters...
August 4, 2013, 6:51 am

Domain Name Wire
Tucows and Donuts strike deal on .media and .marketing
Donuts paid Tucows to walk away from two new top level domain bids. Donuts negotiated a deal with rival applicant Tucows for the strings .marketing and .media, which is why the latter withdrew its applications for the two domains last month. While ne...
Tucows and Donuts strike deal on .media and .marketing
Donuts paid Tucows to walk away from two new top level domain bids. Donuts negotiated a deal with rival applicant Tucows for the strings .marketing and .media, which is why the latter withdrew its applications for the two domains last month. While ne...
August 3, 2013, 9:23 pm

Domain Shane
SHANE’S BIG LIST: Saturday’s Domains at Auction or Dropping on August 3rd, 2013
I forgot once again to hit publish so the short Godaddy list is history……. I wanted to thank everyone or the person that nominated me for best blog this year. By no means am I the best blog but I am a blog, therefore I do official...
SHANE’S BIG LIST: Saturday’s Domains at Auction or Dropping on August 3rd, 2013
I forgot once again to hit publish so the short Godaddy list is history……. I wanted to thank everyone or the person that nominated me for best blog this year. By no means am I the best blog but I am a blog, therefore I do official...
August 3, 2013, 8:18 pm

Domain Name Wire
NTIA demands Verisign confirm it will process new TLD delegations
NTIA questions Verisign’s recent spate of concerns about new TLD rollout. ICANN has published a letter that Verisign sent to the U.S. National Telecommunications & Information Administration (NTIA) aregarding Verisign’s security and s...
NTIA demands Verisign confirm it will process new TLD delegations
NTIA questions Verisign’s recent spate of concerns about new TLD rollout. ICANN has published a letter that Verisign sent to the U.S. National Telecommunications & Information Administration (NTIA) aregarding Verisign’s security and s...
August 3, 2013, 5:36 pm

Elliot's Blog
Who Owns Domain Industry Generics?
I’ve written about descriptive keyword domain names that are owned by large companies, and there are others who have tracked these domain names as well. I thought it would be interesting to research what companies own some of the more important...
Who Owns Domain Industry Generics?
I’ve written about descriptive keyword domain names that are owned by large companies, and there are others who have tracked these domain names as well. I thought it would be interesting to research what companies own some of the more important...
August 3, 2013, 11:05 am

The Domains
Its Time To Name Names: We Call Out Dead Beat Buyers, Game Players, Liars
Dead Beat Buyers, I hate them. From those agreeing in an email to buy a domain for a set price then to just refuse to follow through, to those that actually set up a Escrow.com transaction to buy a domain name even agree to the transaction, but never...
Its Time To Name Names: We Call Out Dead Beat Buyers, Game Players, Liars
Dead Beat Buyers, I hate them. From those agreeing in an email to buy a domain for a set price then to just refuse to follow through, to those that actually set up a Escrow.com transaction to buy a domain name even agree to the transaction, but never...
August 3, 2013, 10:50 am