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Elliot's Blog
Elliot's Blog
Namecheap Sponsoring Water Night During TRAFFIC Conference
Just as the company did at WebFest, Namecheap is once again sponsoring a Water Night party to benefit The Water School during the TRAFFIC conference in Las Vegas. WaterNight will be held at PBR Rock Bar on Wednesday May 29th, 2013, and the ...
May 6, 2013, 9:45 am
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
iPad case maker withdraws boneheaded domain complaint
Makers of The Snugg are a bit slow, but I guess they finally got some good advice. Last week I wrote about how Charon International Trading Limited, maker of The Snugg iPad cases, was about to lose its second UDRP domain dispute. Technically, I was w...
May 6, 2013, 9:41 am
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
SHANE’S BIG LIST: Monday’s Domains at Auction or Dropping on the 6th
I had dinner last night with some runners from the Tarahumara tribe.  They were made famous in the book ‘Born to Run’.  It was amazing to talk to anyone that had never taken an elevator or escalator.   Everything we take fo...
May 6, 2013, 7:13 am
How Is Capitalizing on Place Identity – With Josh Metnick
Chicago is one of the greatest cities in the world. And the CEO of is preparing to auction off and to the highest bidder.Hear how Josh Metnick acquired and evolved to its current form, an...
May 6, 2013, 7:00 am
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
SHANE’S BIG LIST: Sunday’s Domains at Auction or Dropping on the 5th
Ahh Sunday.  My day off.  Which means I only have to work at the store from 10-4.  These next four weeks are what I’ve been working for over the last 4 months and because I can sell 3 times what anyone else at the nursery,  ...
May 5, 2013, 7:01 am
Elliot's Blog
Elliot's Blog
Being Spiteful Cost Me Money
I haven’t shared this story before, but I might as well share it with you. It’s a story about how my being spiteful cost me money. Probably a considerable amount of money. I am not going to share the domain name because I don’t thin...
May 4, 2013, 11:37 am
The Domains
The Domains Owner Of and Reports Earnings Group, Inc. (WWWW), which owns the top 10 domain name registrars, and announced results for the first quarter ended March 31, 2013 on Thursday night. After reporting results shares of the company hit a...
May 4, 2013, 8:53 am
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
SHANE’S BIG LIST: Saturday’s Domains at Auction or Dropping on the 4th
Barely a list today.  Worst part about it is that it takes just as long to look through all the names but I come up with nothing.  An hour and a half wasted.  But you don’t find gold every day you pan.  Here are today’...
May 4, 2013, 7:10 am
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
SHANE’S BIG LIST: Friday’s Domains at Auction or Dropping on the 3rd
Again:  Missed the publish button so all Godaddy names are irrelevant.  I really need to get back to a regular routine   I have to admit I’m jealous of Morgan Linton’s lifestyle.  Working on the beach once a week and l...
May 3, 2013, 5:09 pm
The Domains
The Domains
30 More gTLD Pass: .xBox, .Merck, .Thai, .Fire; .Cloud; .News; .Gripe; .Virgin; .Cars
30 more new gTLD applications passed Initial Evaluation (IE) today by ICANN. In all 245 new gTLD applications out of the first 300 reviewed have passed IE. Some of the applications passing IE today included Microsoft’s application for .xBox; Am...
May 3, 2013, 1:27 pm
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