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Domain Name News
Domain Name News
DirectI partners with NameJet and AfterNIC for .PW
The .PW Registry, a Directi Business that is launching the .PW ccTLD (Palau) globally, has announced a coopration with NameJet and AfterNIC to operate the sunrise and landrush auctions and offer premium name distribution. This relaunch of the country...
December 12, 2012, 4:20 pm
The Domains
The Domains
What’s Worth More A Geo .TV Domain Or A .XXX? Sedo GreatDomains Auction Ends Thursday
There are quite a few really nice .TV domain name in the auction closing tomorrow. Leading the way is Europe.Tv which has a high bid of $13,000 With Europe.XXX reportedly selling for almost $20,000 in the past couple of week...
December 12, 2012, 3:54 pm
Elliot's Blog
Elliot's Blog
Weekly Brokerage Listings
Listed below are new brokerage listings from a variety of domain brokers and brokerages. If you are interested in purchasing or discussing one of the domain names, contact the broker directly. As I offered last week, you are welcome to list a domain ...
December 12, 2012, 3:09 pm
Domain Name News
Domain Name News
Van Gelder to leave NBT, to offer consulting services
As reported by DomainIncite, Stephane Van Gelder is leaving Group NBT at the end of this year. Van Gelder had co-founded the registrar Indom, which was purchase by Group NBT two years ago for about $22 MM. He also served as chair of ICANN’s Gen...
December 12, 2012, 1:47 pm
Domain Name News
Domain Name News
Eleanor Bradley appointed as COO of Nominet
Eleanor Bradley, former Director of Operations for Nominet has been appointed to the role of Chief Operating Office (COO) for the UK registry. She also joined the Nominet board. [via Nominet News] Related posts: Three New Members Added In Nominet&rsq...
December 12, 2012, 12:37 pm
Elliot's Blog
Elliot's Blog
No Obligation Bids on Higher Minimum Auctions at NameJet
If you frequently bid on NameJet auctions, you’ve probably noticed quite a few domain names that are pre-release that have a price minimum bid than the standard $69 minimum bid. Up until last week, I assumed that you couldn’t bid on those...
December 12, 2012, 12:03 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
Predictions for next week’s new TLD lottery
We’re pretty much guaranteed that something won’t go as planned. Tickets for next week’s new top level domain “prioritization draw” went on sale this morning. The draw will take place on Monday on Los Angeles. Despite th...
December 12, 2012, 11:40 am
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
32 end user domain sales from $1,000 to $80,000
End users from Telebrands to LegalZoom buy domain names. Let’s kick of this week’s end user sales report by referring to my post yesterday about A security company paid $80,000 for the domain at Sedo. Now, on to the other sal...
December 12, 2012, 11:26 am
Domain Name News
Domain Name News
.pw: A leader in trademark protection?
The following is a guest post by Kate Moran of TM.Biz, .PW’s trademark validation agent. As you may know, on December 3rd .pw (the ccTLD for Palau) kicked off its sunrise offering. It is a relaunch of a country-code to the general public &ndash...
December 12, 2012, 11:20 am
The Domains
The Domains
MetaCert: .XXX Domains Account for Just 0.56% Of Porn Less Than .info & .Org
According to a new analysis by MetaCert, a web-blocking firm, Porn is still largely found on .com domain names with .xxx domains ranking only 6th in terms of TLD’s containing the most porn, behind .org and .info. In the story carried in the gu...
December 12, 2012, 11:12 am
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