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Domain Shane
Domain Shane
I’m Moving Up To A Level Two Domainer: 5 Domaining Goals Complete and Crossed Off
1. Make more than 67 cents a day in parking. Goal accomplished:  There was a point in time I was putting more leftover change from my pockets in the change drawer on my dresser than I was getting from parking.  I didn’t have many name...
April 24, 2012, 4:52 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
Are domain names mostly irrelevant?
Your age and tech savvy color how you look at the web. 19-year-old Henry Cooke, who blogs for, says they are. At least generic ones like I won’t go through his laundry list of reasons that have already been beaten to death...
April 24, 2012, 2:54 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
Forget 3D TVs, it’s all about 3D printing
When you think 3D, don’t think TVs and funny glasses. Two years ago Michael Berkens wrote a post about how he missed the boat on the “next big thing” — 3D — when it comes to domain names. That post along probably spurred...
April 24, 2012, 1:59 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
Cybersquatting lawsuit filed against
It will be interesting to “know more” about this lawsuit. A Florida broadcast video company has filed a lawsuit (pdf) against the owner of claiming trademark infringement and cybersquatting. NewsProNet, Inc. has a registered ...
April 24, 2012, 12:45 pm
Elliot's Blog
Elliot's Blog Auction Contest Winner
I ran a contest on my blog over the weekened where entrants had to guess the final sales price of, which was in a NameJet auction that ended yesterday. The winner will receive a $100 Paypal payment from me today. Sale price guesses ranged...
April 24, 2012, 11:08 am
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
As .eco applicants squabble, .green may be the big winner
Legal challenges could result in .eco delays. The new top level domain application window hasn’t even closed, but possible applicants for .eco have already been fighting for years. Now three potential applicants are tied up court, as explained ...
April 24, 2012, 10:47 am
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
Tuesday’s Big List of Domains at Auction or Dropping Around Town 4-23-12 Who would have thought this domain would go for this much  The V takes away a little value but otherwise pretty strong   A city in China, also a popular name.  82 Bidders on this one an...
April 24, 2012, 5:45 am
The Domains
The Domains
33 Inducted Into The Internet Hall of Fame including The Chairman Of ICANN Steve Crocker
33 people were just inducted as the inaugural group into the Internet Hall of Fame. Included in the group is the current Chairman of ICANN Steve Crocker. “Dr. Crocker has been involved in the Internet since its inception. In the late 1960s and ...
April 23, 2012, 5:24 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
Another .music trademark application and an interesting one for .pay
.Music trademark application dead on arrival and merchant service company applies for .pay mark. A California sole proprietor is the latest person to waste money trying to trademark .music. Joseph Walker, through is company ExtraWeb Ent., filed the a...
April 23, 2012, 5:17 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
.Co expands number of accredited registrars
Instra among most recent registrars to become accredited for .co. Most of the time you see top level domains operators try to get as many registrars as possible to carry their domains as possible. But .co took a different tact, launching with just 10...
April 23, 2012, 4:53 pm
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