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We aggregate the most popular sources of information and present them in chronological order.
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Domain Name Wire
Domain investor featured in Crain’s New York
Publication profiles domain investor. Domain investor, entrepreneur, and Domain Name Wire reader Rick Singer was featured in Crain’s New York Business today. The article discusses how Singer bought StockProfile.com for over $10,000 about four y...
Domain investor featured in Crain’s New York
Publication profiles domain investor. Domain investor, entrepreneur, and Domain Name Wire reader Rick Singer was featured in Crain’s New York Business today. The article discusses how Singer bought StockProfile.com for over $10,000 about four y...
March 2, 2012, 2:31 pm
Domain Name Wire
Tumblr.com typo will sell for at least $24,000 tomorrow
Domain for sale on Sedo gets lots of traffic looking for blogging site. An auction for a typo of popular blogging platform Tumblr.com closes tomorrow, and it currently has a bid of 15,000 GBP (about $24,000 USD). The domain Tubmlr.com switches the b ...
Tumblr.com typo will sell for at least $24,000 tomorrow
Domain for sale on Sedo gets lots of traffic looking for blogging site. An auction for a typo of popular blogging platform Tumblr.com closes tomorrow, and it currently has a bid of 15,000 GBP (about $24,000 USD). The domain Tubmlr.com switches the b ...
March 2, 2012, 12:17 pm
Elliot's Blog
Why Publishing an Acquisition May Be a Good Idea
I have a couple of colleagues who buy great domain names in specific verticals. We’ve done business before, and it seems that whenever I bring them a great domain name, they always balk at the price at first and refer me to a report about a gre...
Why Publishing an Acquisition May Be a Good Idea
I have a couple of colleagues who buy great domain names in specific verticals. We’ve done business before, and it seems that whenever I bring them a great domain name, they always balk at the price at first and refer me to a report about a gre...
March 2, 2012, 12:01 pm
Elliot's Blog
What TV Shows Use Keyword Domain Names?
In my opinion, the entertainment business is not always on top of things when it comes to domain names. You can have a look at movie posters and commercials to see what I mean: hyphens, names with movie in them, .nets…etc. Television shows, it...
What TV Shows Use Keyword Domain Names?
In my opinion, the entertainment business is not always on top of things when it comes to domain names. You can have a look at movie posters and commercials to see what I mean: hyphens, names with movie in them, .nets…etc. Television shows, it...
March 2, 2012, 11:42 am
Domain Name Wire
Here’s what the domain industry thinks will happen to .com when new TLDs launch
Most .com domains will either retain their value or increase with the launch of new TLDs. What will happen to values of .com domain names when new top level domains arrive next year? They’ll go up or stay the same. That’s according to the...
Here’s what the domain industry thinks will happen to .com when new TLDs launch
Most .com domains will either retain their value or increase with the launch of new TLDs. What will happen to values of .com domain names when new top level domains arrive next year? They’ll go up or stay the same. That’s according to the...
March 2, 2012, 10:52 am
The Domains
All 17K+ Combinations Of Three Letter .Co Domains Now All Registered
We have confirmed with the .CO Registry and we can report that as of yesterday all possible combinations of three letter .Co domain names are registered. There are some 17,600 possible combinations of three letter domain name, otherwise referred to i...
All 17K+ Combinations Of Three Letter .Co Domains Now All Registered
We have confirmed with the .CO Registry and we can report that as of yesterday all possible combinations of three letter .Co domain names are registered. There are some 17,600 possible combinations of three letter domain name, otherwise referred to i...
March 2, 2012, 8:11 am
Domain Shane
Friday’s Big List of Domain At Auction or Dropping Around the Net 3-2-12
You may not have read it on the blogs but yesterday I was awarded the prestigious Domain Mathematics Award. I’m sure you’re asking why I received the award this year or maybe you’re just wondering if that award really exists.&...
Friday’s Big List of Domain At Auction or Dropping Around the Net 3-2-12
You may not have read it on the blogs but yesterday I was awarded the prestigious Domain Mathematics Award. I’m sure you’re asking why I received the award this year or maybe you’re just wondering if that award really exists.&...
March 2, 2012, 4:16 am
Domain Name News: March 2 Week in Review
The Week of Domaining In Review: March 2, 2012.The latest domain name news, hand-picked for you.Dot-brand Explosion Will Shell-shock Lazy..., Yoga.com Domain Name Exclusively for..., Reading The Domain Name Tea..., Brain.com Domain and Trademark Excl...
Domain Name News: March 2 Week in Review
The Week of Domaining In Review: March 2, 2012.The latest domain name news, hand-picked for you.Dot-brand Explosion Will Shell-shock Lazy..., Yoga.com Domain Name Exclusively for..., Reading The Domain Name Tea..., Brain.com Domain and Trademark Excl...
March 2, 2012, 3:05 am
The Domains
ARI Registry Selected To Run Registry Services For Directi’s New gTLD Division Radix
According a press release issued tonight, ARI Registry Services has announced it has been appointed as the exclusive registry services provider for Radix, a new entity within the Directi Group, that will be focused on obtaining and running new generi...
ARI Registry Selected To Run Registry Services For Directi’s New gTLD Division Radix
According a press release issued tonight, ARI Registry Services has announced it has been appointed as the exclusive registry services provider for Radix, a new entity within the Directi Group, that will be focused on obtaining and running new generi...
March 1, 2012, 11:29 pm
Domain Shane
How I Make $60 A Month On YOUR Domain For a Return of ∞
Andrew had an article on how he made $2333 RPM on his parked domain but I think I have him beat. Over the last three months I have made $50 to $60 on domains that I sold months, even years ago. A return of ∞ Its probably the easiest money...
How I Make $60 A Month On YOUR Domain For a Return of ∞
Andrew had an article on how he made $2333 RPM on his parked domain but I think I have him beat. Over the last three months I have made $50 to $60 on domains that I sold months, even years ago. A return of ∞ Its probably the easiest money...
March 1, 2012, 5:16 pm