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Domain Shane
Domain Shane
From Celebrity Tweet Prices to Ad Rates: Let’s See What $100,000 Gets You in Advertising
So you want to promote a brand and have $100,000.  A hundred grand seems like a lot of money but you want to reach a national, even global market.   Let’s take a look at how you can spend it and what you’re going to get for...
May 2, 2011, 12:39 pm
Elliot's Blog
Elliot's Blog
Domain Convergence Conference in Montreal
The Domain Convergence conference will be happening once again in Montreal, Canada in a week and a half. The two day conference will take place at La Place D’Arms Hotel and Suites from May 12-13. Domain Convergence was found by, and is organize...
May 2, 2011, 11:30 am
The Domains
The Domains
Is “Me” Becoming To Apps Like “i” Is To Products? Blip.Me, Play.Me, Caddy.Me, Flirt.Me, Tango.Me & Those Are Just One Own
.Me domain names are increasing being used for Apps and I would say are probably becoming the word of choice in naming Apps similar to how “i” has been used by Apple and other companies in the computer/Tech sector. Blip.Me, Play.Me, Caddy...
May 2, 2011, 7:45 am
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
Here Come the Osama bin Laden Domain Names
Domain registrants try to capitalize on Osama bin Laden’s death. Whenever there’s a major news event — good or tragic — domain name registrations follow. Such is the case with the killing of Osama bin Laden on Sunday. People a...
May 2, 2011, 6:57 am
Domain Name News
Domain Name News
Win a Free Copy of Get Rich Click!
As promised yesterday when we published the free chapter of Marc Ostrofsky’s new book, Get Rich Click! (aff), we’re giving away five copies of the book. In order to win, just fill out the following form. The winners will be picked at rand...
May 2, 2011, 5:55 am
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
Monday’s Daily Domain Drop and Auction Picks
Some great names up today.  I think goes for big value and names like are the kind of names that go cheap but pretty easy to get your money back because Google loves these keyword domains, even if it is dot org.
May 2, 2011, 2:56 am
Domain Name News
Domain Name News & Sold In Private Transactions
Office Depot Sells, DigiMedia Sells to According to a change in whois, has been sold by Office Depot to well-known domain investor George Kirikos’ Leap of Faith Financial services. Details of the deal have ...
May 2, 2011, 12:10 am
Shady Practices of the Domain Name Industry: My Experience
A domain name I wanted that was not in auction is now in auction, for nearly $3,000 with zero bids and virtually no views (with exception of mine) – all within hours of my showing interest. I know this is not domain name front running, but it&...
May 2, 2011, 12:00 am
The Domains
The Domains Sells For $32K On
The domain name just sold for a whopping $32, 600 on There were 4 bidders over $10K battling it out for this domain.  
May 1, 2011, 5:18 pm
Elliot's Blog
Elliot's Blog
Sunday Afternoon Update
Hope you are having a nice weekend. I’m exhausted, having just completed the 44 mile 5 Boro Bike Tour this morning. My muscles are sore, but it feels great to have done this for such a great organization. Here are some of my thoughts this weeke...
May 1, 2011, 3:39 pm
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