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Sully's Blog
Sully's Blog
Domain Goals for 2011
I’m a firm believer in setting goals (as opposed to New Year’s Resolutions). Publicly announcing my goals is something new to me, but I imagine it will only help me to fulfill them because I know I can count on you to hold me accountable....
December 23, 2010, 5:20 pm
The Domains
The Domains Sells for $30K on
The auction for the domain name ended yesterday on Namejet with a bid of $30,600. While the domain has a nice ring to it, I think it priced at full retail at $30K Speaking of full retail, got a price of $8,610. p...
December 23, 2010, 4:53 pm
Domain Name News
Domain Name News
Patrick Rudell Purchases For $175,000 USD
Domain Industry blogger and broker at Domain Name firm Moniker, Patrick Rudell, also known as Chef Patrick, has launched a new website at He purchased the domain name after previous lease owner defaulted for $175,000 USD. The whoi...
December 23, 2010, 4:49 pm
Domain Name News
Domain Name News
Demand Media IPO Stalled
As we had reported earlier this year, Demand Media, parent company of numerous registrars, websites and a domain parking company, was planning to file for an IPO in 2010. According to an article by CNNMoney, the IPO has now stalled due to the regulat...
December 23, 2010, 2:27 pm
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
Beginning Domain Tip: Flip Dot Coms, Build Out Other TLDS
If someone were to ask me to explain how to make money with domains (and nobody is) I would tell them this.  ONLY try and flip dot coms and try and buy good keyword  in the other tlds and build them out.  As simple as it sounds it only took me 10 yea...
December 23, 2010, 2:13 pm
IDN Blog
IDN Blog
Exclusive Launch Interview with Benny Lipsicas on IDN .CO.IL General Availibility
Q: What is your title and role at ISOC-IL? A: .IL Registry Administrator Q: On Sunday, ISOC-IL will allow the general public to register Hebrew IDNs. On what extensions will I be able to register IDNs? Is it just under .CO.IL or is it also under .IL ...
December 23, 2010, 2:02 pm
Elliot's Blog
Elliot's Blog
Case Study: The Value of Content
I’ve written about before, and now I want to give you an example of why it’s very important to have unique content on your websites. I pay around $4.70 for most unique articles I have custom written for some of my websites....
December 23, 2010, 1:57 pm
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
Thursday?s Weekly Comic : ?Down Market?
It’s my second attempt at a comic.  My first attempt came out OK.  If you don’t like it, just read the text in the far right box. Related posts:Merry Christmas… and my First Comic The Thursday Morning 7 Links Big Business is Just No...
December 23, 2010, 11:35 am
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
Comparing Instant Transfer, Reg Path Domain Sales Services
New sales channels are opening up for domainers thanks to efforts by Afternic, GoDaddy, and Sedo. Over the past week Afternic turned up two new partners in its Afternic DLS Premium program and Sedo extended the beta of its SedoMLS program to large do...
December 23, 2010, 10:30 am
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
Top 10 Most Searched Domainers of 2010
10 names in domains that got lots of search action this year. It’s that time of year when you start seeing “top 10 of the year” lists, so let’s get things started. This list is the top 10 people associated with the domain name...
December 23, 2010, 9:33 am
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