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The Domains
The Domains
Media Company Awarded $7million in Online Piracy Case
Torrent Freak reported that the largest media company in the Philippines was awarded $7million in damages and that several domains were forfeited in the process. From the article: In its ongoing crusade against sites said to infringe its copyrights, ...
February 22, 2015, 3:39 pm
The Domains
The Domains
More Big Brand Fails; As Bang On Trademarked Domains Continue To Drop To Third Parties
This is another post in a continuing series on how big brands are missing and allowing third parties the opportunity to register domain names that are bang on domain names dealing with well known and trademarked products. These are not typo’s. ...
February 22, 2015, 2:21 pm
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
DomainShane’s BIG LIST of Domain Name Auction Picks: Sunday, Feb 22nd, 2015
Got a good 8 hours of plowing in yesterday.  A nice fluffy 7 inch snow with bright sun in the afternoon to dry out the parking lots.  There are so many things in life you forget somebody does until you do it yourself. I notice all parking l...
February 22, 2015, 12:20 pm
The Domains
The Domains
Government Set To Auction Another 50,000 Bitcoins Seized from Silk Road Bust
Joel Dalais reported on that the third government auction of Bitcoins that were seized during the Silk Road bust will take place March 5, 2015. Joel points out that some of the coins seized were not used in any illegal business. T...
February 22, 2015, 1:06 am
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
Update on Top 10 Sales from a Year Ago:,,, More
Listed below are updates to the top 10 domain sales from a year ago, as ranked by DN Journal. 1. for $3,100,000 Great sale by the Castello brothers, and an excellent background story is written here. Picked up by the owner of &...
February 21, 2015, 6:21 pm
The Domains
The Domains
For the 3rd Time This Week UDRP Panel Awards Domain To Company That Dropped It
For the third time this week a UDRP panel has awarded a domain to the company that previously owned the domain and allowed ti to drop. In this case, WesTrac Pty Ltd of South Guildford, Australia was awarded the rights to the domain name w...
February 21, 2015, 4:07 pm
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
DomainShane’s BIG LIST of Domain Name Auction Picks: Saturday, Feb 21st, 2015
Today I’ll be out most of the day plowing snow. Every time it snows my wife stands at the window and pouts. Too bad I’m not home to let her in.  Here are today’s names  No bidders.  17 years old for $1...
February 21, 2015, 11:55 am
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
Guy takes third stab at with lawsuit
Owner of really wants, preferably without paying for it. If at first you don’t succeed, try try again. That’s apparently Joseph Carpenter’s belief. Carpenter runs the site He filed a UDR...
February 20, 2015, 9:49 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
So I got a call from this week…
Registrar called about a renewal, and it was strange. If you have any domain names at a registrar ( and Network Solutions), you know the company is big on marketing to its customer base. You literally get one email every day from ...
February 20, 2015, 4:12 pm
The Domains
The Domains
Del Monte Foods Loses UDRP ON, &
Del Monte Foods, Inc. just lost a UDRP on three domain names, and The three member UDRP panel of Robert A. Badgley, Michelle Brownlee and Gregory N. Albright Complainant is a leading purveyor of ...
February 20, 2015, 4:02 pm
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