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The Domains
The Domains
Results From 1st .NYC Landrush Auctions: Carservice.NYC $11,500 Bitcoin.NYC $11K
We have a few results from the first .NYC landrush auctions that closed today on So first the disclaimers. These numbers are unofficial. These figures, did not come from the .NYC registry or Neustar the operator of the extension or Sna...
October 27, 2014, 8:29 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
Turkish restaurant chain guilty of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking
Develi Restaurant chain guilty of abusing UDRP. A restaurant in Turkey has been found guilty of reverse domain name hijacking over the domain name The complainant runs a restaurant chain called Develi and uses the domain name DeveliKebap....
October 27, 2014, 5:34 pm
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
Frank Schilling Flew Coach and Other Takeaways From Namescon Last Year
I was trying to do a little housecleaning and planning yesterday and came across a post I wrote about Namescon but never posted.  It reminded me that I also need to start making plans for Namescon later this winter.  Here are a few things a...
October 27, 2014, 5:27 pm
The Domains
The Domains
Arif Develier of Istanbul Guilty Of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking
A one member WIPO panel has found Arif Develier of Istanbul, Turkey, represented by Net Koruma Danışmanlık Hizmetleri, Turkey guilty of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking (RDNH) on domain name The Complainant is a private individual and stat...
October 27, 2014, 5:20 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire Podcast #4: Ron Jackson recaps this year’s domain name sales
Listen to Domain Name Wire Podcast #4. What impact has the launch of hundreds of new top level domain names had on the domain name market? In this episode of the Domain Name Wire podcast, DNJournal editor Ron Jackson recaps year-to-date domain name s...
October 27, 2014, 3:14 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
This week’s new TLD launch
Slim pickings for new top level domain names this week. You might notice something subtle in the title of this post. It’s singular. That’s because, as best I can tell, just one publicly available domain name is entering general availabili...
October 27, 2014, 2:46 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
.XYZ harnesses the power of .Com to promote its domain names
Company uses to market .xyz domain names. Regardless of what you think about its approach, I’ve got to hand it to .xyz. The top level domain is trying a bunch of creative marketing and sales tactics. Here’s one a reader just tippe...
October 27, 2014, 1:50 pm
The Domains
The Domains
.Biz Domain Name Registrations Fall Under 2.5 Million
                      The number of domain names registered under the Top Level Domain of .Biz has fallen under 2.5 Million. The extension owned and operated by Neustar (NSR) seems to have been e...
October 27, 2014, 1:23 pm
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
DomainShane’s BIG LIST of Domain Name Auction Picks: Monday 10/25
Nothing too exciting happened this weekend, nothing exciting really planned for the week.  So I guess I’ll just get to the names.  Oh wait, I did dip some celery into carmel this past weekend and it was delicious.  That’s i...
October 27, 2014, 11:45 am
DomainSherpa Review – Oct 27:,,,…
What do successful domain name investors think when they value domain names?In this show:• An investor's portfolio is appraised:,,• Get your bids in soon for, Korn...
October 27, 2014, 7:02 am
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