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Domain Shane
Domain Shane
Domain Flips and Flops:,,,
Below is another look at a few recent domain flips and flops, with recent data courtesy of DN Journal and historical data from NameBio. Flips – Sold recently for $2,000 at Sedo, vs $105 in August of this year……an ex...
October 11, 2014, 9:51 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
October ICANN TLD auctions shrink to three after private deals
10 contention sets settled at last minute, including three by This month’s ICANN auctions of last resort for new to level domain names will settle just three contention sets, down from a schedule of 13 as of last month. The only thr...
October 11, 2014, 1:36 pm
The Domains
The Domains
Bob Olea: “Any Domain Seized, Not Owned By Defendant Will Be Returned”
Good news for anyone who had domain names seized by Verisign as part of an ongoing case who are not related to the defendant in that case. The court appointed receiver Bob Olea sent me an email yesterday to the effect that domain that were not owned ...
October 11, 2014, 12:21 pm
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
DomainShane’s BIG LIST of Domain Name Auction Picks: Saturday 10/11
Big weekend for me.  Having a Fall Festival at the nursery on Saturday which is our biggest event of the year and then I have this little race on Sunday called the Chicago marathon.  Due to the events there won’t be a list on Sunday b...
October 11, 2014, 11:45 am
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
Update on Top 10 Sales from A Year Ago:,,,, More
Listed below are updates to the top 10 domain sales from a year ago, as ranked by DN Journal. 1. for $73,000 You can see their Japenese-language placeholder below. Owned by Tokyo-based, which controlled bitcoin exchange Mt. ...
October 11, 2014, 1:52 am
The Domains
The Domains
FC Barcelona Loses Attempt To Grab The Domain Name:
FC Barcelona just lost its attempt to score the domain name away from Joerg Lindemer of Neuenburg, Germany in a Uniform Rapid Suspension proceeding (URS). The Examiner was Piotr Nowaczyk Here are the highlights: The Complainant is a Spanish...
October 10, 2014, 10:25 pm
The Domains
The Domains
CENTR – Myth & Fact: New gTLDs, Registries & Registrars
The Council of European National Top Level Domain Registries (CENTR) commissioned a study to look at the impact of new gtlds in the sales and the registar- registry relationships. Introduction: In August of 2014, CENTR commissioned Architelos to cond...
October 10, 2014, 5:17 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
$1.25 million domain name hit with UDRP
Case filed with World Intellectual Property Organization against The domain name has been hit with a UDRP filing at World Intellectual Property Organization. According to a 2010 story at TheDomains, Moniker brokered the sale of t...
October 10, 2014, 1:27 pm
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
DomainShane’s BIG LIST of Domain Name Auction Picks: Friday 10/10
We started up the Book of 10 again today after a bit of a layoff.  August and September are usually slow and I was tired and in marathon training so it went on hiatus.  But training is done (Chicago marathon is Sunday) and I actually don&rs...
October 10, 2014, 11:45 am
Domain Name News: October 10 Week in Review
Hand-curated, no-B.S., important domain name industry news, including:Radix Buys .Tech From Dot Tech• New gTLD 1st Day Registrations: .NYC 26,853, .City 4,094, .Lawyer 3,240, .Attorney 2,156, .Desi 320• Big Apple's New .NYC Domain Has ...
October 10, 2014, 9:30 am
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