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The Domains
The Domains
Why Shouldn’t ICANN Terminate Registrars That Have A History of Domain Thefts?
ICANN has terminated domain name registrars accreditation in the past for several issues, many related to non-payment of  minimal fees due to ICANN,  and record keeping requirements ICANN has sent out a lot more Notices  Of  Breac...
October 8, 2014, 12:31 pm
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
DomainShane’s BIG LIST of Domain Name Auction Picks: Wednesday 10/8
The TRAFFIC show is coming up soon and its going as I thought it would.  Once NamesCon killed it, it killed all the other conferences. I heard through the rumor mill that TRAFFIC asked if DomainsFest wanted to join forces and DomainsFest said no...
October 8, 2014, 11:45 am
The Domains
The Domains
Overstock Looking To Democratize Wall Street With New Bitcoin Related Project
Overstock is looking to change things on Wall Street In an article on it seems that Overstock is straying from their core business and working on a side project that hopes to democratize Wall Street. Building on top of the existing Bitcoin ...
October 8, 2014, 8:30 am
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
Flippa Recap:,,, and 2 Portfolios Sell, and Do Not
Some domains that sold – $1,201 – The .com has gotten up to $500k in bidding in the past on Flippa, but hasn’t met reserve. The .info equates to less than a quarter of 1%. – $1,050 – $860 25 doma...
October 7, 2014, 11:22 pm
The Domains
The Domains
Sedo Transactions Totals $1.2 Million
Over the past week, 443 transactions took place on Sedo’s marketplace and via SedoMLS, totaling $1.2 million 51% of total sales were the result of Buy Now listings. Highlights of public sales are: · Top .coms: at 100,000 USD &...
October 7, 2014, 8:48 pm
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
Sedo Weekly Sales: $1.2 Million, Half of All Sales Now Buy It Now
Sedo has released it’s list of public sales from last week and the first thing that jumps at me was the good buy of  It’s been hard to find a good for $75K and below lately.   Here is the complete list including...
October 7, 2014, 8:31 pm
The Domains
The Domains
1 Day After Launch, Namejet’s “Premium” .Desi New gTLD Auction Is Live
Yesterday .Desi launched into general availability with about 324 registrations. Today announced it’s holding a Premium .Desi domain auction with 30 “premium” .Desi domain names. According to .Desi is  &...
October 7, 2014, 8:29 pm
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
10 Words of Advice That Have Nothing to Do With Domain Investing
Not that anyone in their 20s would ever ask my advice but here are a few pieces of advice that I have passed down to younger people I talk to.  Like everything I say, it’s opinion, but the older I get the more experiences I have ...
October 7, 2014, 7:43 pm
The Domains
The Domains
20 Year Old NUVO.Com Saved in A One Member Panel UDRP & Domain Holder Didn’t Respond
SiTV, Inc. of Glendale, California, just lost its bid to grab the domain name in a UDRP. The one member panel decision of Michael A. Albert rejected the claim even though the domain holder, which is now a Bankruptcy Trustee, did not file a f...
October 7, 2014, 7:35 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
.Eco domain name applicant gets community status, .Gay and .Music don’t
.Eco prevails with its own definition of the eco community; .gay and .music don’t. Three more Community Priority Evaluation decisions for new top level domain names have been completed. .Eco applicant Big Room Inc has succeeded in getting commu...
October 7, 2014, 6:10 pm
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