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The Domains
The Domains Changes Hands
The domain name recently traded hands and was acquired by Jeffrey Berns a partner at Berns Weiss LLP. Both Jeffrey Berns and his partner Lee Weiss are said to be well-known for filing claims against financial institutions...
September 9, 2014, 8:50 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
Apple created the i-era. Is it abandoning it?
Apple makes an interesting branding shift. Apple introduced a few new products today. As expected, it introduced the iPhone 6. It also introduced the iWatch– –Wait, no it didn’t. It introduced the Apple Watch. It also introduced a n...
September 9, 2014, 7:06 pm
The Domains
The Domains
How Long Is It Going To Take For Apple To File a UDRP On
          Another new product announced today by Apple Computer today, what many people have been referring to as the iWatch, isn’t going to be called the iWatch at all, but the Apple Watch. Like in the case of the Appl...
September 9, 2014, 7:06 pm
The Domains
The Domains
Apple Goes With “Apple Pay” Domain Registered Back in 2002; Not By Apple
      At the BIG Apple event today, the company just named its long rumored payment system and is calling it Apple Pay. As usual the company does not own the matching .com domain name The domain name was firs...
September 9, 2014, 6:07 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
Reverse domain name hijacking of in a “Foolish waste of time”
“Baseless” complaint was a “foolish waste of time”. Three related hair care products companies have been found guilty of reverse domain name hijacking after trying to steal the domain name through a UDRP. Verb Product...
September 9, 2014, 4:32 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
UDRP filed against $19k expired domain Is it the former owner?
Valuable domain name expired earlier this year and now faces UDRP. The domain name expired in May. It went through the entire expiration cycle, making it one of the best domain names to fully expire this year. A bidder at pa...
September 9, 2014, 2:17 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire through are registered, and Apple doesn’t own them.
People have registered every possible up to Apple owned the domain name when it announced the new device two years ago. It wasn’t the original registrant, but Apple filed a UDRP to get the domain name ahead...
September 9, 2014, 1:46 pm
The Domains
The Domains
After One Of The Most Successful Sunrise & Landrush Periods .Global Goes Live Today
      .Global which got almost 650 domain name registrations between its in Sunrise and Landrush period,  goes live today for general availability at Noon EST. .Global which already ranked in the top 5 of all new gTLD’s incl...
September 9, 2014, 1:17 pm
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
DomainShane’s BIG LIST of Domain Name Auction Picks: Tuesday 9/9
Good news.  Sold another name I hand registered a year ago for $800.  Bad news, my 2 year old Beta fish Steve is not doing well.  He is starting to float when he stops swimming.  Not looking good.   I know, I know, I can buy ...
September 9, 2014, 11:45 am
The Domains
The Domains
With 1 Day Left In Sedo Numeric Auction – 10 Names Have Met Reserve
The Sedo numeric auction closes on Wednesday and with one day to go 10 names have met reserve out of the 264 names up for auction. The highest priced name to meet reserve is currently at 5,100 Euros. Names that have met reserve:
September 9, 2014, 9:42 am
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