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We aggregate the most popular sources of information and present them in chronological order.
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The Domains
Forbes: Company That Runs Formula 1 Racing Paid $8.5 Million For F1.com In 2002
According to an Article in Forbes Today, the company that runs Formula 1 Racing, Formula One Management (FOM) is going public on the Singapore Stock Exchange and stuck in the 498 page Prospectus it is reveled that the company Paid $8.5 Million dollar...
Forbes: Company That Runs Formula 1 Racing Paid $8.5 Million For F1.com In 2002
According to an Article in Forbes Today, the company that runs Formula 1 Racing, Formula One Management (FOM) is going public on the Singapore Stock Exchange and stuck in the 498 page Prospectus it is reveled that the company Paid $8.5 Million dollar...
July 9, 2014, 1:09 am

The Domains
With 565 Domains Taken In Sunrise & EAP .Services Appears To Be A Winner
The new gTLD .Services launches tomorrow. Taking into account all Sunrise applications and Early Access Program Registrations, there are 565 domain names registered. We have chatted about the last few weeks that no new gTLD produced any big 1st day r...
With 565 Domains Taken In Sunrise & EAP .Services Appears To Be A Winner
The new gTLD .Services launches tomorrow. Taking into account all Sunrise applications and Early Access Program Registrations, there are 565 domain names registered. We have chatted about the last few weeks that no new gTLD produced any big 1st day r...
July 9, 2014, 12:01 am

The Domains
.Club Leads All New gTLD’s Again On Sedo’s List Selling English.Club For $17,500; Total $2.4M
Over the past week, 564 transactions took place on Sedo’s marketplace and via SedoMLS, totaling $2.4 Million 45% of total sales were the result of Buy Now listings. Highlights of public sales are: · Top .coms: satoshi.com at 75,000 USD &...
.Club Leads All New gTLD’s Again On Sedo’s List Selling English.Club For $17,500; Total $2.4M
Over the past week, 564 transactions took place on Sedo’s marketplace and via SedoMLS, totaling $2.4 Million 45% of total sales were the result of Buy Now listings. Highlights of public sales are: · Top .coms: satoshi.com at 75,000 USD &...
July 8, 2014, 9:21 pm

The Domains
Founder of Mt. Gox To Sell BitCoins.com In HA.com Domain Auction On July 24th
The URL Bitcoins.com will hit the auction block on July 24, 2014, as Part of Heritage Auctions’ Domain Names & Intellectual Property Auction. The domain name is being sold by Mark Karpeles, the controversial founder of the failed Bitcoin ex...
Founder of Mt. Gox To Sell BitCoins.com In HA.com Domain Auction On July 24th
The URL Bitcoins.com will hit the auction block on July 24, 2014, as Part of Heritage Auctions’ Domain Names & Intellectual Property Auction. The domain name is being sold by Mark Karpeles, the controversial founder of the failed Bitcoin ex...
July 8, 2014, 6:08 pm

The Domains
.Christmas & .Blackfriday Just Launched & The Extensions Seem To Be Very Lightly Reserved
Unregistry just launched .Christmas & .Blackfriday and the registry seems to have reserved a very small amount of domains. As usually we hunt and peck around for mostly every new extension either to register or to write about. I was actuall...
.Christmas & .Blackfriday Just Launched & The Extensions Seem To Be Very Lightly Reserved
Unregistry just launched .Christmas & .Blackfriday and the registry seems to have reserved a very small amount of domains. As usually we hunt and peck around for mostly every new extension either to register or to write about. I was actuall...
July 8, 2014, 4:01 pm

Domain Name Wire
.Co.com exits landrush with thousands of registrations
Third level domain option enters general availability today. .Co.com.Co.com, a new third level domain name registration, enters general availability today with “single-digit thousands” of registrations already. The registry says that the ...
.Co.com exits landrush with thousands of registrations
Third level domain option enters general availability today. .Co.com.Co.com, a new third level domain name registration, enters general availability today with “single-digit thousands” of registrations already. The registry says that the ...
July 8, 2014, 3:22 pm

Domain Name Wire
Texas License plates sound a bit like new TLDs
A lot of niche license plates, just like niche domain names, might not make sense in the long run. The Dallas Morning News published a story this past weekend about specialized licensed plates and a lack of sales for niche plates. Like many states, T...
Texas License plates sound a bit like new TLDs
A lot of niche license plates, just like niche domain names, might not make sense in the long run. The Dallas Morning News published a story this past weekend about specialized licensed plates and a lack of sales for niche plates. Like many states, T...
July 8, 2014, 2:26 pm

The Domains
Co.Com Enters “General Availability” Phase At Noon EST Today!
According to a Press Release we just received the Co.Com registry will enter the live General Availability (GA) registration phase today, Tuesday, July 8th at 16:00 GMT (12 noon EDT). The .Co.Com registry previously announced it was removing tens of ...
Co.Com Enters “General Availability” Phase At Noon EST Today!
According to a Press Release we just received the Co.Com registry will enter the live General Availability (GA) registration phase today, Tuesday, July 8th at 16:00 GMT (12 noon EDT). The .Co.Com registry previously announced it was removing tens of ...
July 8, 2014, 2:25 pm

Domain Name Wire
Frank Schilling beats IBM in domain dispute
Reserved three letter .link domains won’t be suspended. Frank Schilling’s North Sound Names, the company under which he registers premium domains in his new TLDs, has defended two such domain names from a URS filed by IBM. IBM filed a Uni...
Frank Schilling beats IBM in domain dispute
Reserved three letter .link domains won’t be suspended. Frank Schilling’s North Sound Names, the company under which he registers premium domains in his new TLDs, has defended two such domain names from a URS filed by IBM. IBM filed a Uni...
July 8, 2014, 1:24 pm

Domain Shane
THE BIG AFTERMARKET LIST: Tuesday’s Domains at Auction or Dropping on July 8th
When Namejet teamed up with .Global for auctions I wasn’t sure that it would turn out that well but looking at the auction that is going on now and a few domains that sold earlier I think it’s gone OK. As I said earlier, bitcoi...
THE BIG AFTERMARKET LIST: Tuesday’s Domains at Auction or Dropping on July 8th
When Namejet teamed up with .Global for auctions I wasn’t sure that it would turn out that well but looking at the auction that is going on now and a few domains that sold earlier I think it’s gone OK. As I said earlier, bitcoi...
July 8, 2014, 11:07 am