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We aggregate the most popular sources of information and present them in chronological order.
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Domain Shane
Flippa – A Look Forward: Borough.com, Movie.info, QuestionEverything.com, Flipping.info All Hit Reserve
Several domains with reserve met this week for all budgets………depending upon what you’re looking for. Reserve Met and Will Sell Movie.info – $3,250 – I’m not a .info kind of guy, but millions and millions ...
Flippa – A Look Forward: Borough.com, Movie.info, QuestionEverything.com, Flipping.info All Hit Reserve
Several domains with reserve met this week for all budgets………depending upon what you’re looking for. Reserve Met and Will Sell Movie.info – $3,250 – I’m not a .info kind of guy, but millions and millions ...
June 23, 2014, 12:59 am

The Domains
I Don’t Get Why France Thinks Special Protections Should be Granted To One Product On Earth, Wine
I have been following the .Wine/ .Vin issue for what seems like years now. I get why Wine makers from Napa and France and Italy and Germany are concerned about the .Wine New gTLD and .Vin New gTLD. Like any other business on earth, the new gTLD progr...
I Don’t Get Why France Thinks Special Protections Should be Granted To One Product On Earth, Wine
I have been following the .Wine/ .Vin issue for what seems like years now. I get why Wine makers from Napa and France and Italy and Germany are concerned about the .Wine New gTLD and .Vin New gTLD. Like any other business on earth, the new gTLD progr...
June 22, 2014, 7:17 pm

Domain Shane
THE BIG AFTERMARKET LIST: Sunday’s Domains at Auction or Dropping on June 22nd, 2014
Not that any of you really care about my Commission Junction linking problem but the responses from them and Godaddy is almost comical. Obviously it’s not working and someone did something to make it not work. When I asked both part...
THE BIG AFTERMARKET LIST: Sunday’s Domains at Auction or Dropping on June 22nd, 2014
Not that any of you really care about my Commission Junction linking problem but the responses from them and Godaddy is almost comical. Obviously it’s not working and someone did something to make it not work. When I asked both part...
June 22, 2014, 10:36 am

Domain Shane
Domain Flips and Flops: SteamEngine.com, Nearing.com, Matt.net, BO3.com
Below is another look at a few recent domain flips and flops, with recent data courtesy of DN Journal and historical data from NameBio. Flips SteamEngine.com – Sold recently for $38,000 at GoDaddy, vs $5,650 in February of this year at GoDaddy...
Domain Flips and Flops: SteamEngine.com, Nearing.com, Matt.net, BO3.com
Below is another look at a few recent domain flips and flops, with recent data courtesy of DN Journal and historical data from NameBio. Flips SteamEngine.com – Sold recently for $38,000 at GoDaddy, vs $5,650 in February of this year at GoDaddy...
June 22, 2014, 3:38 am

The Domains
Go Daddy Now Carrying $1.5billion in debt
Jeff Bailey wrote a good piece on Seeking Alpha about the upcoming Go Daddy IPO. This article is worth reading for those contemplating investing in Go Daddy. Bailey does a good job at looking at the metrics Go Daddy uses and a look at their past fina...
Go Daddy Now Carrying $1.5billion in debt
Jeff Bailey wrote a good piece on Seeking Alpha about the upcoming Go Daddy IPO. This article is worth reading for those contemplating investing in Go Daddy. Bailey does a good job at looking at the metrics Go Daddy uses and a look at their past fina...
June 21, 2014, 7:01 pm

The Domains
Namejet.com’s .Global Live Auction Closes Tommorow & 50% Of The Domains Have Bids
Namejet.com’s pre-bidding for the Live ICANN .Global Auction ends tomorrow Sunday June 22nd at 11pm EST and as of publication 50% of the domain names have bids. The live auction will be held on Tuesday in London during the ICANN 50 meetin...
Namejet.com’s .Global Live Auction Closes Tommorow & 50% Of The Domains Have Bids
Namejet.com’s pre-bidding for the Live ICANN .Global Auction ends tomorrow Sunday June 22nd at 11pm EST and as of publication 50% of the domain names have bids. The live auction will be held on Tuesday in London during the ICANN 50 meetin...
June 21, 2014, 2:24 pm

Domain Shane
Update on Top 10 Sales from A Year Ago This Week: Brand.com, Fornite.com, AHN.org, PureMix.com,, More
Listed below are updates to the top ten domain sales from a year ago this week, as ranked by DNJournal. 1. Brand.com for $500,000 A re-brand from ReputationChanger.com. Traffic leader for the week, with an Alexa rank near 40,000. They describe themse...
Update on Top 10 Sales from A Year Ago This Week: Brand.com, Fornite.com, AHN.org, PureMix.com,, More
Listed below are updates to the top ten domain sales from a year ago this week, as ranked by DNJournal. 1. Brand.com for $500,000 A re-brand from ReputationChanger.com. Traffic leader for the week, with an Alexa rank near 40,000. They describe themse...
June 20, 2014, 11:56 pm

The Domains
Fallout From CentralNic’s Acquisition Of Internet.bs, European Clients Getting Hit With VAT
I shouldn’t be news to any domain name holders that live in the Europe but if you do and use a European domain name registrar they are required to collect Value Added Tax (VAT) for each transaction. The VAT is like a sales tax in the United Sta...
Fallout From CentralNic’s Acquisition Of Internet.bs, European Clients Getting Hit With VAT
I shouldn’t be news to any domain name holders that live in the Europe but if you do and use a European domain name registrar they are required to collect Value Added Tax (VAT) for each transaction. The VAT is like a sales tax in the United Sta...
June 20, 2014, 6:00 pm

The Domains
.Trust Makes .Rich Look Cheap
Kate Vinton from Forbes is out with an article today on the .Trust extension and can it make the Internet safer ? From the article: Describing the internet as the new Wild West, NCC Group hopes to create a secure “gated community” though ...
.Trust Makes .Rich Look Cheap
Kate Vinton from Forbes is out with an article today on the .Trust extension and can it make the Internet safer ? From the article: Describing the internet as the new Wild West, NCC Group hopes to create a secure “gated community” though ...
June 20, 2014, 5:31 pm

Domain Name Wire
Michael Berkens wins UDRP case involving two colorful lawyers
Randazza and Berryhill square off over X-Videos.com. Two of the most colorful lawyers in the trademark/UDRP business squared off in a UDRP over one of Michael Berkens’ domain names. Marc Randazza’s law firm represented WGCZ S.R.O., which ...
Michael Berkens wins UDRP case involving two colorful lawyers
Randazza and Berryhill square off over X-Videos.com. Two of the most colorful lawyers in the trademark/UDRP business squared off in a UDRP over one of Michael Berkens’ domain names. Marc Randazza’s law firm represented WGCZ S.R.O., which ...
June 20, 2014, 4:35 pm