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We aggregate the most popular sources of information and present them in chronological order.
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The Domains
TechCrunch.com Covers One Applicant For .Art
We haven’t seen Techcrunch.com cover the new gTLD program very much but today they did and picked out a story surrounding one applicant for .Art, deviantART The TechCrunch article covers the letter sent to ICANN by deviantART’s as to why ...
TechCrunch.com Covers One Applicant For .Art
We haven’t seen Techcrunch.com cover the new gTLD program very much but today they did and picked out a story surrounding one applicant for .Art, deviantART The TechCrunch article covers the letter sent to ICANN by deviantART’s as to why ...
May 31, 2014, 12:55 am

Domain Name News: June 1 Week in Review
The Week of Domaining In Review: June 1, 2014.The latest domain name news, hand-picked for you.Las Vegas Review Journal Covers..., Kevin Ham Successfully Defends UDRP..., First ICANN "Auction of Last..., ICANN Radar Registrar Database to..., Scr...
Domain Name News: June 1 Week in Review
The Week of Domaining In Review: June 1, 2014.The latest domain name news, hand-picked for you.Las Vegas Review Journal Covers..., Kevin Ham Successfully Defends UDRP..., First ICANN "Auction of Last..., ICANN Radar Registrar Database to..., Scr...
May 31, 2014, 12:44 am

The Domains
One Site Owner Wants to Trade His .Com for a .Link
Switching from a .com to a .link Jean Guillon runs newsgtlds.com and he wrote about wanting to change to a .link on gtld.club. From the article: This is one question that I have at the moment Prior to the first new domain name launchings, I had ...
One Site Owner Wants to Trade His .Com for a .Link
Switching from a .com to a .link Jean Guillon runs newsgtlds.com and he wrote about wanting to change to a .link on gtld.club. From the article: This is one question that I have at the moment Prior to the first new domain name launchings, I had ...
May 31, 2014, 12:14 am

Domain Shane
Update on Top 10 Sales from 10 Years Ago This Week: EBR.com, Teabox.com, Girl.me, LittleFox.com, More
Listed below are updates to the top 10 domain sales from a year ago this week, as ranked by DN Journal. 1. BoatsForSale.com for $162,500 Forwards to SingletonMarineGroup.com. The company has over 10 locations in four states, and does everything from ...
Update on Top 10 Sales from 10 Years Ago This Week: EBR.com, Teabox.com, Girl.me, LittleFox.com, More
Listed below are updates to the top 10 domain sales from a year ago this week, as ranked by DN Journal. 1. BoatsForSale.com for $162,500 Forwards to SingletonMarineGroup.com. The company has over 10 locations in four states, and does everything from ...
May 30, 2014, 11:05 pm

The Domains
15 Year Old Generic Kaleidoscope.com Hit With A UDRP
The domain name Kaleidoscope.com, about a generic as a term as you can get, was just hit with a UDRP. The domain is owned by Xedoc Holding SA., who has owned the domain since...
15 Year Old Generic Kaleidoscope.com Hit With A UDRP
The domain name Kaleidoscope.com, about a generic as a term as you can get, was just hit with a UDRP. The domain is owned by Xedoc Holding SA., who has owned the domain since...
May 30, 2014, 10:59 pm

The Domains
Las Vegas Review Journal Covers .Vegas; The City Is Getting $4 a Domain & Expects $250K In Revenue A Year
.Vegas gets a big boost up in A story published by the Las Vegas Review Journal entitled “New .vegas domain could transform online marketing.” Interestedly in the article, Bill Arent the Director of the Las Vegas Office of Economic and Ur...
Las Vegas Review Journal Covers .Vegas; The City Is Getting $4 a Domain & Expects $250K In Revenue A Year
.Vegas gets a big boost up in A story published by the Las Vegas Review Journal entitled “New .vegas domain could transform online marketing.” Interestedly in the article, Bill Arent the Director of the Las Vegas Office of Economic and Ur...
May 30, 2014, 5:35 pm

Domain Name Wire
Kevin Ham successfully defends UDRP against SNF.com
SNF.com saved in UDRP decision. Kevin Ham’s company Vertical Axis has successfully defended a UDRP filed against its domain name SNF.com. S.P.C.M. SA filed the complaint. It appears to be affiliated with a company that owns SNF.fr. The complain...
Kevin Ham successfully defends UDRP against SNF.com
SNF.com saved in UDRP decision. Kevin Ham’s company Vertical Axis has successfully defended a UDRP filed against its domain name SNF.com. S.P.C.M. SA filed the complaint. It appears to be affiliated with a company that owns SNF.fr. The complain...
May 30, 2014, 3:08 pm

Domain Name Wire
First ICANN “Auction of Last Resort” to take place next week
First of many planned new top level domain name auctions to take place next week. It’s a last resort, and it kicks of next week. ICANN will hold its first new top level domain name auction next week to settle the contention set for .信息, whi...
First ICANN “Auction of Last Resort” to take place next week
First of many planned new top level domain name auctions to take place next week. It’s a last resort, and it kicks of next week. ICANN will hold its first new top level domain name auction next week to settle the contention set for .信息, whi...
May 30, 2014, 2:18 pm

Domain Name Wire
Funniest UDRP. Ever.
This respondent is funny, and it has nothing to do with his response. Sometimes you have to go back to dig up gems, like this UDRP case from 2002. It was recently spotted by domain lawyer John Berryhill. The case involved the domain name wwwsportauth...
Funniest UDRP. Ever.
This respondent is funny, and it has nothing to do with his response. Sometimes you have to go back to dig up gems, like this UDRP case from 2002. It was recently spotted by domain lawyer John Berryhill. The case involved the domain name wwwsportauth...
May 30, 2014, 1:57 pm

Domain Shane
THE BIG AFTERMARKET LIST: Friday’s Domains at Auction or Dropping on May 30th, 2014
A few things before we get to the names today. One, Namejet has a bunch of .buzz domains up for auction if you are interested. Of course the one I like celebrity.buzz has the most bids. Take a look if .buzz has any interest to you. ...
THE BIG AFTERMARKET LIST: Friday’s Domains at Auction or Dropping on May 30th, 2014
A few things before we get to the names today. One, Namejet has a bunch of .buzz domains up for auction if you are interested. Of course the one I like celebrity.buzz has the most bids. Take a look if .buzz has any interest to you. ...
May 30, 2014, 11:20 am