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We aggregate the most popular sources of information and present them in chronological order.
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The Domains
OnlineCasino.Co Sells For $100K In Record Setting Sale
The domain name OnlineCasino.co has just sold for $100,000 certainly setting a record for the highest reported Sale of a two word .Co. At $100,000 this domain becomes tied for the 4th largest ccTLD sale of the year according to DnJournal.com To...
OnlineCasino.Co Sells For $100K In Record Setting Sale
The domain name OnlineCasino.co has just sold for $100,000 certainly setting a record for the highest reported Sale of a two word .Co. At $100,000 this domain becomes tied for the 4th largest ccTLD sale of the year according to DnJournal.com To...
October 7, 2011, 10:23 am
Domain Name Wire
Large Moniker Clients Sues Over Expired Domains
Company says Moniker didn’t appropriately notify it of expiring domain names. A large client of domain name registrar Moniker has sued the company and parent company Oversee.net over alleged shenanigans with expired domain names. Mainstream Adv...
Large Moniker Clients Sues Over Expired Domains
Company says Moniker didn’t appropriately notify it of expiring domain names. A large client of domain name registrar Moniker has sued the company and parent company Oversee.net over alleged shenanigans with expired domain names. Mainstream Adv...
October 7, 2011, 10:09 am
Domain Shane
Friday’s Big List of Auctions and Dropping Domains
This list sets a new record for worst domain list. If you find a great domain in the drops and auctions today you are a better man (or woman) than me. I’m going to go ahead and throw a joke at the end to make up for the poor list. W...
Friday’s Big List of Auctions and Dropping Domains
This list sets a new record for worst domain list. If you find a great domain in the drops and auctions today you are a better man (or woman) than me. I’m going to go ahead and throw a joke at the end to make up for the poor list. W...
October 7, 2011, 3:15 am
The Domains
HuntingMoon Extends Auction 1 Day Due To “Tremendous Bidding Activity In The Last 20 Seconds”
According to a posting on HuntingMoon.com tonight, the adult domain name Auction scheduled to end today will end tomorrow. According to Evan Horowitz who I spoke to just a few minutes ago, the site saw a “tremendous amount of bidding activity i...
HuntingMoon Extends Auction 1 Day Due To “Tremendous Bidding Activity In The Last 20 Seconds”
According to a posting on HuntingMoon.com tonight, the adult domain name Auction scheduled to end today will end tomorrow. According to Evan Horowitz who I spoke to just a few minutes ago, the site saw a “tremendous amount of bidding activity i...
October 6, 2011, 10:38 pm
Elliot's Blog
Using .CO & .ME Locally
I saw this newspaper dispenser in Portland, Maine this morning and thought of you so I snapped a photo and want to share it. A number of companies in Maine (state abbreviation is ME) are using .ME as if it were its own local ccTLD. This afternoon, I ...
Using .CO & .ME Locally
I saw this newspaper dispenser in Portland, Maine this morning and thought of you so I snapped a photo and want to share it. A number of companies in Maine (state abbreviation is ME) are using .ME as if it were its own local ccTLD. This afternoon, I ...
October 6, 2011, 7:33 pm
Domain Name Wire
Auschwitz Museum Loses Case for Domain Name
Museum can’t have Auschwitz.org. Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, a memorial and museum including the site of former German concentration camps Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II-Birkenau, has failed to get the domain name Auschwitz.org through an ar...
Auschwitz Museum Loses Case for Domain Name
Museum can’t have Auschwitz.org. Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, a memorial and museum including the site of former German concentration camps Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II-Birkenau, has failed to get the domain name Auschwitz.org through an ar...
October 6, 2011, 5:26 pm
Domain Shane
The Onion Honors Steve Jobs As Only The Onion Can…
I love The Onion. They often find a way to turn tragedy into comedy without offending most and that was no different today when they posted a quick article on the passing of Steve Jobs that had me laughing out loud. The article was entitled ‘La...
The Onion Honors Steve Jobs As Only The Onion Can…
I love The Onion. They often find a way to turn tragedy into comedy without offending most and that was no different today when they posted a quick article on the passing of Steve Jobs that had me laughing out loud. The article was entitled ‘La...
October 6, 2011, 3:47 pm
Domain Shane
I’m Getting a New Phone and Need Suggestions
I hope my boss Shane Cultra doesn’t mind me taking over his little domain space here for my own personal issues, but I figured I need suggestion from our readers for this one… I need to get a new cell phone. I currently have a Blackberry...
I’m Getting a New Phone and Need Suggestions
I hope my boss Shane Cultra doesn’t mind me taking over his little domain space here for my own personal issues, but I figured I need suggestion from our readers for this one… I need to get a new cell phone. I currently have a Blackberry...
October 6, 2011, 1:00 pm
Elliot's Blog
Guest Post with Ned O’Meara: Aussie Domain Market News
Firstly, thank you to Elliot for inviting me to do a guest article. I was delighted to be asked. I’m pleased to say that little by little the Aussie market is opening up at last. For those of you that thought there were just too many rules and ...
Guest Post with Ned O’Meara: Aussie Domain Market News
Firstly, thank you to Elliot for inviting me to do a guest article. I was delighted to be asked. I’m pleased to say that little by little the Aussie market is opening up at last. For those of you that thought there were just too many rules and ...
October 6, 2011, 11:48 am
Domain Name Wire
Matt Cutts: .Co Not Just for Colombia
Matt Cutts reconfirms that .co doesn’t have to be targeted to Colombia. Despite Google clearly stating that you can opt to have your .co domain treated not just as a Colombia targeted domain, people have still spread the false notion that this ...
Matt Cutts: .Co Not Just for Colombia
Matt Cutts reconfirms that .co doesn’t have to be targeted to Colombia. Despite Google clearly stating that you can opt to have your .co domain treated not just as a Colombia targeted domain, people have still spread the false notion that this ...
October 6, 2011, 11:35 am