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Domain Shane
Domain Shane Domain Shane’s Daily List of Domains at Auction for Thursday, October 13th
 I wanted to make a few things clear.  One, if you don’t want to read the list below there is a button in the top left hand corner that is go back.  You also can type another url (domain) in the open space bar above and that will...
October 13, 2016, 10:18 am
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
How GoDaddy “uses this one simple trick” to get 56,000 more registration years per month
Hint: it’s all in the shopping cart. GoDaddy (NYSE:GDDY) managed to rack up 56,000 extra years of .com registrations in June. How? “Using this one simple trick!” GoDaddy’s shopping cart defaults to a five-year registration per...
October 12, 2016, 6:25 pm
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
A comprehensive look at the final auction prices, closeouts and more from the auction list posted on October 11, 2016.  If there is an asterisk (*) next to a price, it means that the name was at auction from a private seller (rather than an...
October 12, 2016, 3:36 pm
The Domains
The Domains
AlpNames Selling Famous Four’s New gTLD Domain Names for $.49 For Rest of 2016
According to an email we just received, the domain name registrar, AlpNames is going with a $.49 registration for domain names for Famous Four Media new gTLD extensions (non-premiums) “From now until the end of the year, ALL AlpNames customers ...
October 12, 2016, 3:21 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
At GoDaddy, women are making more than men
Company releases salary data comparing salaries. GoDaddy released internal salary and gender data today as part of its efforts to improve gender diversity at the tech company. Overall, women earned slightly more than men is similar positions at the c...
October 12, 2016, 1:53 pm
The Domains
The Domains
Epik Starts To Accept Bitcoin For Payment & Disbursement,  a full-service, all-inclusive domain name and operator of a commission-free marketplace announced effective immediately, customers may pay for domain registrations, marketplace purchases, escrow, SSL certificates, web development, hos...
October 12, 2016, 1:52 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
DomainSponsor co-founder adds to wedding collection with
Site is the third wedding-focused site in his incubator. OnRamp Fund, an incubator and early-stage investment fund started by DomainSponsor co-founder Lawrence Ng, has launched The site allows brides-to-be to view wedding dresses ...
October 12, 2016, 1:12 pm
Domain Shane
Domain Shane Domain Shane’s Daily List of Domains at Auction for Wednesday, October 12th
I’m a lot like many domain investors where I think of a word, type in the dot com and see what’s on the domain.  If its a big company I move on.  If its a small company or home business then I make them an offer and tell them I...
October 12, 2016, 10:12 am
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
“Page” top trending term in .com thanks to these weird registrations
Page and history on chart thanks to one man’s curious domain name registrations. Verisign released its list of top trending keywords for September today, led by “page” in the number one spot. Registrations of domain names with the t...
October 11, 2016, 9:26 pm
The Domains
The Domains
Sedo Weekly sales led by at $35,000
Sedo relaesed theri weekly sales and the top name on the list was at $35,000. A couple of 3L.coms were sold for $24,999 and $27,500 respectively. sold for $13,500 and might have been the best buy of the week. so...
October 11, 2016, 8:39 pm
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