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Chinese Numeric and Acronym Boom or Bubble?
(Aired November 18, 2015) Numerics and acronyms are hot and seemingly increase in price by the week (and sometimes day). Are we experiencing too much growth in too fast a time period? Is this type of growth sustainable? Is this a domain name bubble t...
November 18, 2015, 8:05 am
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
Flippa Recap:,,, 21, More
Some Domains That Sold @ $39,000 (Editor’s Choice via Buy it Now) – It was a nice sale for the owner, as the domain only got up to $20,010 in a bidding in a prior listing. This domain traded hands back in 2009 in the 4-figures&he...
November 18, 2015, 3:43 am
The Domains
The Domains
Sedo Weekly Transactions Total $2.4million led by at 38,000 Euros
Over the past week, 807 transactions took place on Sedo’s marketplace and via SedoMLS, totaling $2.4m. 60% of total sales were the result of Buy Now listings.     Highlights of public sales are: Top .com: at 38,000 EUR To...
November 17, 2015, 8:45 pm
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
You Don’t Have To Participate But You Don’t Need to Boo
In my opinion (of course this whole darn thing is going to be my opinion) the domain community has broken up into three sections since the onslaught of the Chinese controlled market. . 1. Those that are in daily participation. Watching daily sales p...
November 17, 2015, 7:34 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
NAF Panelist Flubs another UDRP Decision
Panelist doesn’t address domain name owner’s evidence. Earlier this year I was dumbfounded by the actions of panelist Bruce Meyerson in a UDRP case at National Arbitration Forum. He literally asked the complainant to change its argument s...
November 17, 2015, 6:31 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
Be careful about domain name pumping
Carefully consider the source of domain name sales data. It’s no secret that money is being made with short domain names right now. It has moved beyond 2 and 3 character domains to longer domain names. I applaud those who have taken advantage o...
November 17, 2015, 3:34 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
Electronic Frontier Foundation takes down spoof malware site
Site was spreading malware under “Pawn Storm”. It’s a bit ironic, really. Electronic Frontier Foundation, which defends privacy and online freedoms, was itself spoofed in an attempt to spread malware. The organization has won contro...
November 17, 2015, 2:26 pm
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
DSAD—> Shane’s LIST of Domain Auction Picks: Stewsday Tuesday
It’s hard to believe that 6 weeks ago when I said I was mass registering pattern domains that they would be eaten up so quickly.  There were MILLIONS to be had.  When I was registering them there were a few hundred thousand tha...
November 17, 2015, 10:22 am
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
9 years later, Twitter gets
Company finally gets hold of Australian domain name. Twitter has won a cybersquatting complaint against the owner of the Australian domain name The company filed the complaint with World Intellectual Property Organization. Jason Boyce...
November 17, 2015, 1:14 am
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
Flippa – A Look Forward:,, 7 Hit Reserve,, More
Reserve Met and Will Sell – is selling off one of their one word .com’s at no reserve. . – This domain won’t make you rich, but it’s a one word .com that will continue to be in dema...
November 16, 2015, 9:46 pm
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