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Domain Shane
Domain Shane Domain Shane’s List of Domains at Auction for Saturday the 21st
I was looking for an old email when I stumbled on an email from a friend that asked if I was interested in buying over 1000 Chinese premium names for $500 each.   I passed it on to 3 people at the time.  This was in July of this year.  ...
November 21, 2015, 10:26 am
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
Judge: .XYZ statements were puffery and opinion
Judge explains why he dismissed Verisign’s lawsuit. Judge Claude M. Hilton has issued his reason for granting .XYZ’s motion for summary judgment in a battle with .com giant Verisign. The judge granted the motion for summary judgment on Oc...
November 20, 2015, 11:08 pm
The Domains
The Domains
Judge In 1st Verisign vs. XYZ Case Publishes 15 Page Opinion
The federal judge CLAUDE M. HILTON who granted a summary judgement in favor of .XYZ and Daniel Negari last month throwing Verisign’s case for false advertising out, today handed down a 15 page Memorandum Opinion supporting the summary judgement...
November 20, 2015, 10:20 pm
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
New gTLD Development: Nonprofit Edition with .Global, .Help, .Gift
Following up on last week’s holiday and gift theme, we’re looking at nonprofit and humanitarian sites this week. As usual, screenshots below are linked to the sites if you would like to check them out. The Global Actio...
November 20, 2015, 9:44 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire
XYZ 2, Verisign 0
Judge dismisses registry change lawsuit. A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit Verisign filed against .XYZ and CentralNic. Verisign sued the companies after two of Verisign’s clients sold their top level domain names to .XYZ and switched to C...
November 20, 2015, 9:13 pm
The Domains
The Domains
XYZ & Negari Beats Verisign In Federal Court, Again: CentralNic Too
.XYZ has just won another court battle against Verisign (VRSN). Back three weeks ago a Federal Court dismissed a case brought by Verisign against,  the registry for .XYZ and Daniel Negari personally alleging  false advertising by gr...
November 20, 2015, 8:00 pm
The Domains
The Domains
Radix: .ONLINE Fastest New gTLD to Sell 100,000 Domains
Radix the registry for .ONLINE announced today that .Online is the fastest gTLD to sell 100,000 domains names since their launch less than 3 months ago. After a very successful launch which broke all new gTLD records with 38,000 domain names register...
November 20, 2015, 2:47 pm
Domain Name Wire
Domain Name Wire sells for $15,100 (and other expired domain name sales)
Who says there’s nothing new ($3.8k)? Two months ago, a pair of 6-digit numerical domains topped these charts. But those headline-making expired auctions – $7.5k and $7.3k – fail to match last week&rsq...
November 20, 2015, 2:25 pm
Domain Shane
Domain Shane
Domain Shane’s List of Domains at Auction for Friday the 20th
. Pretty good list today if you like a mix.  LLLL.coms actually settled in price this week and the CHIPS actually dropped $100 for common varieties and up a few for Western and Chinese premiums. We haven’t seen hardly any ABAB, AABB, or AB...
November 20, 2015, 10:25 am
The Domains
The Domains
Report: 88.XIN Sells for $180,000
  According to a blog post appearing in .XIN registry, the domain name 88.XIN recently sold for ¥1,140,888 at a domain name auction, which is around $180,000 USD. According to the blog post .XIN sold  a total of 9 domain names for 3.14 ...
November 19, 2015, 10:12 pm
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